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Strengths Explorer Report & Homework


1.       YOUTH THEMES – Introduction – page 4

a.     Read the top 3 themes in your report – page 5

2.     ABOUT YOU - Themes are like talents that might describe you.
Go back to your report and highlight parts of your themes that are most like you.

Classroom Exercise: 


Choose ONE theme talent, and be ready to read aloud the talent name, and sentences you highlighted that are most like you.



Theme Name:


Part of my theme that is MOST like ME:






Take home your Strengths Explorer Report, and your homework worksheet (below.)
If you lose the homework sheet, you can download it  from my Google Web site.



Decision Education

Strengths Explorer Homework

 List your three themes below :

Theme name:


Theme name:


Theme name:


Instructions:  Interview one of your parents, and ask them to tell you about a time when you have demonstrated AT LEAST ONE of these talent themes. Use the space below to take notes from your parent interview.








Turn your homework into Mr. Brown for credit.