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The Myth of Bad Bear Brown

Inspired by The Myth of Laziness by Dr. Mel Levine


     The Myth of Bad Bear Brown is a children’s story being developed by Mr. Brown with the help of 4th grade students. The purpose of the project is for students to learn how internal and external factors may influence the actions, behavior, and output of others. An exploration of the traits of various animals including the brown bear will be the basis for a theme which examines the importance of diversity and respect for the world around us.


     The story will take the form of a puppet show and eventually a movie. Story development begins with students selecting and researching various animal characters represented by numerous colorful Beanie Babies found in the Computer Room. The purpose of the animal research is to develop a database of characteristics to be used when writing the story. Students will research the animals they have selected, as well as the brown bear. We will use the following template and Web resources below:


Date                                                           Student Name:

Bad Bear Brown Research

Web sources:

National Geographic    Enchanted Learning


Animal name:

Animal Facts


Characteristics / Fast Facts

Height / Length / Weight








Unique / Interesting











Chapter 1


     Bear Brown lost his mother just after his first birthday. This happened early one October morning in the forest when Bear Brown’s mother Mum Bear was chasing after Black Bear. The smaller Black Bear was running fast and made enough noise to alert Mum Bear. Instinctively, Mum Bear began chasing after Black Bear to protect little Bear Brown.


     What Mum Bear didn’t know was that Black Bear was running away from hunters in the forest. Mum Bear also knew nothing of U.S. law which protects the brown bear from hunters. All Mum Bear knew was that something was wrong in the forest, and that she must defend little Bear Brown.


     Mum Bear and Black Bear were running at least 25 miles per hour, which is pretty fast for bears who have been feasting all summer. The chase continued until a thunderous shot rang out from the other side of the forest. With a roar Mum Bear stopped, moaned and fell to the ground. The hunters either mistakenly shot Mum Bear thinking it was Black Bear, or maybe they didn’t know or care about the law protecting brown bears. No one knows for sure, but the sad news for Bear Brown was Mum Bear had been shot.