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Table of Contents




Little Bear Brown


A BearŐs Necessities


Hungry as a Bear


Bear Tracks


Song Birds


Black Bear


HeŐs Bear Brown!






Chapter 2

A BearŐs Necessities


     Bear Brown hid behind an evergreen tree and watched as the hunters took Mum Bear away. He was afraid of the hunters so he stayed quiet until they left. Then Little Bear Brown went back to Mum BearŐs den and cried himself to sleep.


     The next day Bear Brown awoke to sound of geese honking high above the trees. As he rolled to his feet Bear Brown heard the sound of rustling leaves on the forest floor. Peering out of Mum BearŐs den he saw small creatures busy digging and planting the nuts and seeds they would need for the long winter. Naturally Bear Brown was hungry and he decided to leave the den.


      Upon leaving the den Bear Brown found himself all alone in the forest. Bear Brown learned from Mum Bear how to find chewy roots and bulbs by digging in the dirt. So he instinctively headed for the trees and shrubs on the west side of the mountain and started digging. Bear Brown enjoyed digging in the dirt because he was good at it, and he almost always found something to eat.


     Bear Brown used his strong paws and sharp claws to find the root of a nearby poplar tree. As he was gnawing on the root Bear Brown had memories of the other things he learned from Mum Bear. Sometimes Mum Bear would climb trees and find pine cones filled with nuts and seeds to eat. Mum Bear also liked roaming on the other side of the mountain where black berries were big and juicy, and little butterflies were filled with sweet nectar. Mum Bear was even good at catching slippery salmon in the middle of the stream. It seemed like all Mum Bear did was find food and eat from sun up to sun down.


    Now it was up to Bear Brown to find his own food. The poplar tree root was good, but Bear Brown was still hungry. So he decided to make his way to the blackberry patch on the other side of the mountain. On the way maybe he would try to climb a tree like Mum Bear used to do so well.









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