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Table of Contents




Little Bear Brown


A BearÕs Necessities


Hungry as a Bear


Bear Tracks


Song Birds


Black Bear


HeÕs Bear Brown!






Chapter 3

Hungry as a Bear


     Bear Brown wandered over the ridge and headed for the western side of the mountain. It was on this side of the mountain where Mum Bear would climb tall pine trees to get cones filled with crunchy nuts and seeds. As Bear Brown approached the tall pine trees a fluttering blue bird caught his attention. The bird collected some twigs in his beak and took off when he saw Bear Brown. The blue bird known as Cool Jay was busy building a nest in one of the nearby trees. Bear Brown followed the flight of the bird and decided to try and climb the same tree where Cool Jay was making his home. It was the first time that Bear Brown ever tried to climb a tree.


     Using his sharp claws and youthful arms and legs, Bear Brown climbed from the base of the pine tree up to the first layer of branches. Looking upward through a smartly woven spider web, Bear Brown could see the cones filled with seeds and nuts. He pushed with his right leg and reached with his left paw to grasp the first branch of the tree. As he continued climbing upward Bear Brown broke the spider web and made it to the second layer of branches. The cones on this layer were not close to the center, but hung on the underside of each tree limb. Instead of climbing out onto the weaker tree limbs, Bear Brown decided to shake the branches as Mum Bear used to do to get the cones to fall to the ground. As the cones fell to the forest floor below, Bear Brown continued climbing upward where he could see more cones that were closer to the center of the tree.


     Meanwhile Spidey the spider sat on a branch in the third layer of the tree. Spidey was up in arms over the fact that Bear Brown had ruined an entire nightÕs work.


     ÒYo, Bear Brown, didnÕt you hear me? I told you to watch the fly trap please! But no, you have to just push your big head right through my dinner plate. Oh the webs I weave! Now IÕll have to spin it all over again! Thanks a lot, Bear Brown!!Ó


     SpideyÕs tiny size and little voice were not enough for Bear Brown to notice. As the bear continued shaking branches, the nest that Cool Jay was building tipped and fell bouncing from branch to branch until it landed upside-down on the ground.


     As Bear Brown climbed down from the pine tree Cool Jay returned with more twigs in his beak. ÒWhat goes on? Where did my nest go??Ó chirped the blue bird.


     Spidey screamed ÒThe same Bear Brown that broke my web shook your nest right out of the tree! DonÕt look now but itÕs about to be squashed!Ó


     Cool Jay looked down to see Bear Brown lose his grip near the first layer of branches and fall to the ground with a thump! The nest was crushed, although Bear Brown had no idea he was responsible for shaking it to the ground in the first place. Bear Brown was also unaware he pounded Chipper the chipmunk just as the little animal was emerging from his tunnel near the tree.


     Bear Brown got up from his fall and started clawing the cones and munching the nuts and seeds while Cool Jay flew down to inspect the nest and check on Chipper.


     ÒYou okay, Chipper?Ó said Cool Jay.


     ÒI have a bad headache! What on earth happened?Ó


     ÒBear Brown fell from the tree and landed right on your head!Ó Are you okay?Ó said Cool Jay.


     ÒWho? What? I have a bad headache!Ó Chipper moaned.


     ÒBear Brown was who landed on you.Ó Chirped Cool Jay.


     ÒWho?? Oh boy, I have a bad, bad, headache!Ó Chipper complained.


     ÒBear Brown, thatÕs who!Ó said Cool Jay.


      ÒBad Bear Brown.Ó Replied Chipper.


      ÒThatÕs right, Bad Bear BrownÓ whistled Cool Jay.


     Unaware of the conversation between Cool Jay and Chipper, Bear Brown had his fill of nuts and seeds and headed for the sweet blackberry patch in the clearing between the pine trees and the river valley.


     In the distance Cool Jay was singing a three-note tune: ÒBad Bear Brown. Bad Bear BrownÉÓ








Forest Facts:


Bear Link: