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Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids


Summary Paragraph Assignment




Our Nation


Historical Document:

Declaration of Independence


Historical Document:

Articles of Confederation


Historical Document:

The Constitution


Historical Document:

Bill of Rights


Historical Document: Emancipation Proclamation


Historical Document: Gettysburg Address


Branches of Government


How Laws are Made


National vs. State Government


Election Process – President & VP


Election Process – Senators


Election Process – Representatives


Symbols – US Flag


Symbols – Liberty Bell


Buildings – US Capitol


Buildings – White House


Buildings – Supreme Court


Independence Hall




Organization chart:



  1. Students will use Microsoft Word to create a proper header and SAVE to their home directories.
  2. Students will create a formal bibliography of sources used to collect facts.
  3. Students will create a data table to collect facts and write notes.
  4. Students will begin composing summary paragraphs on their assigned topics.




September 16, 2005                                                                 Your Name 4-T

Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids

The Liberty Bell


          The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom which is known throughout the world. The Liberty Bell was made in 1752 for the people of Pennsylvania, to symbolize the 50th anniversary of William Penn’s charter privileges. The Liberty Bell was also used as a symbol, when it was rung for special events. One of the special events that the Liberty Bell was rung for was the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The signing of this important historic document took place on July 4, 1776 in the city of Philadelphia. Today, millions of people each year come to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to see the Liberty Bell and experience the thrill of viewing one of the symbols of American History.



Ben’s Guide to Government for Kids


Power Library


Learning Basic Skills with the U. S. Constitution

Weekly Reader: Author



I plan to use this fact for sentence number:

Facts Found

Where? Why?


BG = Ben’s Guide

PL = Power Library


The Liberty Bell was made in England in 1752.

BG. I never knew where the bell was made.


The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom.

BG. I think that when people see the Liberty Bell, they know that it stands for freedom.


The Liberty Bell is 70% copper, and 25% tin.

BG.  I wonder what the other 5% of the bell is made of?


The Liberty Bell was ordered by the people of Pennsylvania in 1751 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of William Penn’s charter privileges in 1701.

BG. From the very beginning, people thought of the Liberty Bell as an important symbol.


A charter is something that can be granted by a ruler. A charter can give someone special rights.

PL. I did not know what the word charter meant.


A charter was granted by the King of England for a parcel of land.

PL. The 50th anniversary of William Penn’s charter, when the King of England gave him land in 1701.


The Liberty Bell weighs 2,080 pounds.

PL. I wonder what they used to move the bell around?


A symbol represents or stands for something.

PL. I want to say what the word symbol means.


Every year millions of visitors come to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell.

PL. Since millions of people see the bell each year, it must be known all over the world.


I have seen the Liberty Bell three times, and I always thought it was a thrilling experience.


The Liberty Bell was rung to mark special events.

PL. I wonder what special events the bell was rung for?


The Liberty Bell was rung to call people to the first reading of the Declaration of Independence on July 8, 1776.

PL. That was four days after the Declaration of Independence was signed.