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EDU 6560 – Final Exam

Jay Brown

Task: Select a topic from EDU 6560 -  Resources, Rules, Guidelines, and Laws that has impacted me professionally, research it further, and explain how I will use it with my colleagues.


            The most interesting part of this course for me was developing a policy presentation for teachers at my school. I have been witness to a significant investment in technology over the past decade at The Haverford School, and our administration has been careful to address many of the issues covered in this course. Haverford has already established an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), and the school has taken measures to ensure student privacy and security online.  The school also maintains a successful internal grant proposal process for providing teachers with opportunities to acquire new technology for curricular integration. In fact, teachers from the second, third, and fifth grade were awarded technology grant training and equipment installation of TeamBoard systems in their classrooms for the 2005-2006 school year. Not surprisingly, all of these teachers are actively using the new technology in their classrooms, and most of them have established individual teacher Web pages to post class information and curricular links. Teachers regularly update their Web pages with homework assignments, calendar postings, and digital images. Since the development of individual teacher Web pages is a relatively new phenomenon at our school, I have taken the initiative to create a series of policies and procedures for teachers to follow when publishing to the Web.

The Policy and Procedures for Web Publishing (PPWP) is a series of four presentations which must be approved by the school administration before they can be presented to faculty, staff, and the Haverford community. I have purposely decided to develop a series of four different policy presentations so as not to overwhelm individuals with a long list of rules and regulations. The entire series of four presentations will be posted electronically on the school Web page as soon as they are approved by the school administration. Live presentations of the PPWP to faculty and staff will occur one series at a time at mandatory faculty meetings, and introduced to new teachers at faculty orientation meetings prior to the start of each school year. The PPWP series will focus on the following four topics:

  • AUP for Web Publishing
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance on the Web
  • Privacy on the Web
  • Copyright and the Web

Each segment of the PPWP series will include clearly written policy, and procedures for teachers to follow when posting information and material to school-related Web pages. All teachers who maintain Web pages linked from The Haverford School Web Site will be required to include a link to the PPWP series at the bottom of their main index page. The link will serve as an acknowledgement of the PPWP, and it will be useful for teachers since each presentation will contain updated links to information and resources to use when building Web pages. The following four paragraphs provide an overview for each segment in the PPWP series.


AUP for Web Publishing

            The AUP for Web Publishing segment will clearly state that all students, faculty, and staff must use their Internet accounts to support education and research consistent with the mission of The Haverford School. All school-related Web sites must be non-threatening, and all members of the school community must use good judgment when it comes to posting information on school Web sites. Specifically, the school AUP for Web Publishing will include language stating that it is forbidden to post information on school-related Web pages considered obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors. Students who are found in violation of the school AUP for Web Publishing may have their Internet account revoked, and be referred to school administrators for additional disciplinary action. Faculty or staff members who are found in violation of the AUP may face disciplinary action or termination at the discretion of the school administration.


Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance on the Web

            The ADA Compliance on the Web segment will provide students, faculty, and staff information and standards that will be expected for those who publish Web pages linked to The Haverford School Web page. The expectation for school-related Web pages will be that they comply with ADA standards, and provide easy navigation, text-only, and audio options for visitors. ADA compliant Web pages must also employ readable text, appropriate background color contrast, with no flickering or blinking screen images. All graphics must include detailed text and audio descriptions as options.  For additional information and support on ADA Compliance, members of the Haverford community will have several Web links which will be posted in this segment of the PPWP series.


Privacy on the Web

Even though all Haverford School students currently have a signed and dated written consent contract from a parent, guardian, or student age 18 or older allowing for student images and video clips to appear on any school-related Web page, it is still important that specific rules and guidelines are followed to maintain the privacy and security of each child. Teachers and staff who publish images or video clips to The Haverford School Web site must ensure that student identities are protected, and may only use a student’s first name in any description or caption. To further protect students, the Webmaster will include a password-protected layer on the school Web page, allowing only those who are members of the school community to view images and video clips. Additional information and Internet resources relating to The Child Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for online privacy of students will be provided as part of this segment in the PPWP.


Copyright and the Web

            The final PPWP presentation is intended to alert the school and members of the school community about the potential for lawsuits resulting from the illegal use of copyright material on school-related Web pages. There will be clearly written policy standards for publication of art, photographs, and text on all school-related Web pages. As a rule, all members of The Haverford School community may not use any type of art, photographs, or text when publishing to the Web without the expressed written consent of the owner, author, or creator of the material. Definitions of art, photographs, and text will be included in the presentation, along with guidelines for following licensing agreements and notice of federal copyright laws. Legal resources and related information will be provided within the presentation, as well as useful links to legal graphics, photographs, and material on the Web.






Johnson, S. P. (2002). Written Guidelines for Presentation on ADA Compliance. Retrieved

December 12, 2005. Available:

McKenzie, J. (1996). Keeping it Legal: Questions Arising out of Web Site Management.

Retrieved November 18, 2005. Available:

Stanford University (2005). The Copyright & Fair Use Web Site. Retrieved: November 18, 2005.


United States Department of Justice. (2005). ADA Home Page – Information and Technical

Assistance on the Americans with Disability Act. Retrieved: December 12, 2005. Available:

Virginia Commonwealth University. (2005). Americans with Disability Act Compliance.

Retrieved: December 12, 2005. Available: