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1. Choose your attitude! Be upbeat, kind, and happy!! Smile and tell (yourself and) others to "have a great day." Follow steps 2, 3, and 4 to keep this idea going throughout the day.


2. Be present! Make a point of saying "hello" to others, and ask them how they're doing. Use respect for others to learn as much as you can. When others are speaking to you look them in the eye and listen carefully to fully understand their thoughts and concerns. Ask questions but be sensitive. Consider the feelings of others when offering suggestions and ask how you can help. If someone's day is going well, celebrate the news by cheering for them. Supporting others is both kind and respectful.


3. Play! Take advantage of appropriate play with others. Look for ways to make work FUN and include all who are around you!


4. Make someone's day! Say or do something nice for someone else. This can be a win-win situation because doing something nice for someone else can boost your energy as well as improve our community.

Link to Fish!



Class Discussion and

Activity on Vision & Value


       1.  One of the keys to successful use of Fish! At Haverford is to make sure that it aligns with our Essential Qualities and our Principles of Community. Scan pages 4-5 from THS Strategic Plan. Use Word to make a list of two or three examples from our school Essential Qualities and Principles of Community that are aligned with the Fish! Philosophy. Be prepared to share your examples with the class. Start with a proper head that includes your name, date, section, and Character Education – Fish! Value & Vision.


      Graphic below based on Stanford Advanced Project Management Program

      Strategic Innovation – Innovation Competency Cycle


     The Fish Philosophy is a creative approach to changing the social climate of schools and business organizations. When students and employees embrace the Fish! Philosophy the results lead to increased productivity.


    Fish! GROWTH can lead to VALUE for our school if we decide it is worth the effort. Continue to add to your Word document by writing answers to numbers 2 and 3 below:


2.    Make a list of four things you can do to become a GROWTH leader for Fish! At Haverford. HINT: Check the Fish! Philosophy above.


  1. What makes Fish! Valuable to our community? 


        What is the value of Fish! to:










Character Education

Fish! Philosophy


  1. Examples of how our schoolÕs Strategic Plan is aligned with the Fish! Philosophy:




  1. Some things I can do to become a growth leader for Fish! Philosophy at Haverford School:




  1. The value of Fish! Philosophy to our Haverford community:


  1. Classmates:


  1. Teachers:


  1. Learning:


  1. For me:





SAVE and print your work for credit.


COMPLETE a SELF-EVALUATION for this exercise.


E-mail questions or comments to:




Paraphrased from



ALIGN – ÒÉTo bring into agreement with a policyÉ in line withÉÓ


EMBRACE – ÒÉTo include as part of eagerly acceptÉÓ


PHILOSOPHY – ÒÉA system of thought based on a set of ideas or beliefs.Ó


STRATEGIC – ÒÉImportant (parts or elements) of a planÉÓ