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Position Essay for 5th Grade Computer Studies Students:


·        The Iraq WebQuest concludes with an essay in which students make a decision and take a position on America’s role in Iraq.

o       Paragraph 1 – Frame the situation: Topic sentence and supporting detail describing the problem that exists in Iraq today. Include any new or useful information.

o       Paragraph 2 – What alternatives or choices does the U.S. government have? What responsibility does America have in Iraq? What are the consequences or outcomes of these choices?

o       Paragraph 3 – Take a position on America’s role in Iraq. What values (freedom, peace, democracy…) are important to you, and what virtues support your position? What sort of commitment will the U.S. government have to make to follow-through and make your position work?


Assessment rubric:

Each student will be assessed on the following:




Format – Does the student follow the essay format?


Spelling and grammar


Vocabulary and facts – Does the student use information from their Word and Fact Bank, and are the facts accurate?


Deadline – Does the student complete his work on time?

Each student starts with 20 points.

Points may be taken off if any of the items in the assessment rubric are not complete.



Iraq WebQuest Link:

Put yourself in their shoes: The children of Iraq



Students may use Inspiration to help organize their essay.

Example: Iraq Essay Brainstorm


Computer Studies project by: Mr. Brown

Date: October 26, 2005