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Based on methods from the Responsive Classroom

Northeast Foundation for Children


September  ___, 2008 


Greetings everyone,


     Each of you will use the INSPIRATION program on the computer today to create your own Identity Map. I want you to get started by thinking of one or two subjects or fun activities that you are interested in, or things that give you positive energy.


I want you to take an index card and borrow two different colored pens (one dark and one light color) from the center of the circle. Return to your seat in the circle and take two minutes to complete the tasks below:


Task 1: Use the pens to print your first name on one side of the index card.

Task 2: Write down one or two subjects or activities you are interested in on the other side of the index card.


I will ring a bell after the first minute. After two minutes I will collect the index cards from you and we will begin the Greeting Circle.




Mr. B

p.s. – Activity clue: Hello shuffle.

p.s.s. – Homework: Use pen or pencil to finish your Identity Map.

Always turn your homework in the following day.