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Historical Figures on

The Underground Railroad


Each student will be assigned a historical figure from the Underground Railroad to research. Use the Web sites below to learn more about your historical figure:


National Underground Railroad Freedom Center


Pathways to Freedom


Whisperers of Angels



Read about a historical figure and decide for yourself if their actions were peaceful or violent, legal or illegal, effective or ineffective.1 Check your e-mail for instructions on how to save a WORD attachment with an Action Table for you to use (see example below).


Date                                                                                                Your Name 4 –

Underground Railroad

Historical Figure: ______________


INSTRUCTIONS: Place an “X” in the column next to the words that you think best describe your historical figure’s actions.

Action Table























     Your Underground Railroad historical figure summary must start with a topic sentence. Include the name of your historical figure and why they should be remembered when studying the Underground Railroad. Write about why you think their actions were peaceful or violent. Also write about if you found their actions to be legal or illegal. This may require some additional research (check the additional Web links below). Finally, write a sentence or two about whether you believe the historical figure’s actions were effective or ineffective, and why. Students who do outstanding work may be asked to share their historical figure summaries at the Teamboard. All students are required to print and turn in their historical figure summaries for credit.




Additional Web links:


Whisperers of Angels – Opposing Forces

Includes several cases and laws.


Underground Railroad Site: Fugitive Slave Bill of 1850




Historical Figures

Student Assignment - TBA

Harriet Tubman


Frederick Douglass


Thomas Garrett


William Still


Samuel Burris


Frances Ellen Watkins Harper *


Dr. Bartholomew Fussell *


Phoebe Myers *


Samuel Green *


Abraham D. Shadd


Mary Ann Shadd


Henry Craig


Henry “Box” Brown


Lewis Hayden


William Lloyd Garrison


John W. Posey, M.D.


Alexander Ross, M.D.


Dred Scott


Robert Smalls



* = Elevated reading level.

            Use to look up new words!



Credits – Action Table concept:

1 Chester County Historical Society (2003). Where would you draw the line? Web resource inactive (2007).  Based on the book Over the Line by William C. Kashatus – Director of Programs at the Chester County Historical Society.


An integrated critical thinking, language arts, social studies, and technology exercise developed for 4th graders at The Haverford School by Mr. Brown. (2007).