ExxonMobil Canada-(33.125%)
Chevron Canada Resources-(26.875%)
Canada Hibernia Holding Corporation-(8.5%)
Murphy Oil-(6.5%)
Norsk Hydro-(5%)
2.Gravity Base Structure(GBS)
3.Offshore Loading System (OLS)
.When the plat form was finished they toed it to the Hibernia Oil field in June 1997, and it started to produce oil on November 17 1997. The Plat form is 224 Meters high.
.Platform location: 46 degrees 45' 1.5722" north, 48 degrees, 46'58.5427" west
.Temperatures in the winter range from -8 degrees Celsius to 7 degrees above. Temperatures in the summer range can go as high as 20 degrees Celsius
.The ocean surface temperature varies from -3 degrees Celcius in winter to greater than 15 degrees Celsius in the summer
.Wind speeds average 37 km per hour in the winter and 22 km per hour in the summer.
.The Guinness World Book of Records calls the Grand Banks the foggiest place on earth. During winter, there is 40% coverage by fog and up to 84% during June and July.
.The total investment of the project was 7.9 Billion $ (excluding transport)
.The Average Barrels of oil that the Hibernia produces each day is 135,000-150,000 and the Terra Nova only produces 370 million barrels a day.
.The Hibernia Oil Field also contains approximately 3.5 trillion cubic feet of gas.
.The Average Barrels of oil that the Hibernia produces each day is 135,000-150,000 and the Terra Nova only produces 370 million barrels a day.
.The water depth at the Hibernia is ten to twenty less then at the Terra Nova
.The Hibernia uses GBS (Gravity based structure) and the Terra Nova uses FPS (Floating Production Structure)
.Terra Nova is less capital intensive than Hibernia
.The Hibernia is much bigger then the Terra Nova