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These tables were created by Donna Wilson for web mastering class.

Table 1 has two rows and three columns
row 1, cell 1 row 1, cell 2 row 1, cell 3
row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 2

Table 2 has two rows and four columns
Mr favorite food is ……… The pet I would most love to have is…….. I am to have a grandmother like mine because……..
My favorite hobby is……….. What I really want to do after college to help people is….
Table 3 will have five rows and three columns when I complete it.
I will get credit for this assignment after I make my third table. I will need to remember that the table tag creates a table. The tr tag sets off each row in a table. The td tag sets off each cell in a row.

Click here to see another one of my web pages.