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Common view of vineyards and Okanagan Lake in the foreground.

Fog on Boucherie Wine Trail March 6th

Photos taken at Gellatly Nut Farm, March 16.

Nut trees are waking up Gellatly Nut Farm March 16th.

Daffoldils in bloom April 7, 2014.

Dusty work for vineyard workers, April 7/14.

Hummingbirds flourish after an early spring shower

A sure sign of Spring!

Snow capped Little White reflecting on Lake Okanagan, April 28, 2014.

To flourish Vineyards demand continual year round attention.

Meanwhile tame deer roam Quails Gate Vineyard, May 2014.

View of William Bennett bridge connecting Kelowna to West Kelowna opened in May 2008.

Geranium sweetheart thriving in front of the Cove Lakeside Resort, West Kelowna .


Revitalized Gellatly Bay roadway and lakeside pedestrian walkway shown below.

Nature's technicolor over Black Mountain, Kelowna.

Late summer storm east Kelowna.

When all is said and done, a sunspot with a promise for tomorrow.

The promise of a clear day fulfilled.

West Side Road a Bypass Kelowna to Vernon via Fintry.

Deer roaming freely in Kelowna Mountain Park terrain.

Nature's Painbrush on Mission Hill Estate Winery vineyard.

Blueberry farm and vineyard, Winfield area.

Autumn arrives in West Kelowna, Quails Gate Winery in foreground.

Autumn colors of Mission Hill vineyard taken from the west.

Autumn colors over Quails Gate Vineyard eastward.

Boucherie Road transforming into a wine trail between Hwy.97 and the Cove Resort.


Autumn scenes taken in Quails Gate Winery's Vineyard

Autumn view of canal, Pritchard residential area, West Kelowna.

Ducks grazing for leftovers at Gellatly Nut Farm.

Broccoli on stems sold locally.

Native American Sculpture at Nk'Mip, Osoyoos, British Columber.

View of Kelowna via bridge approach from West Kelowna.

Winter made a short visit at the Sails in downtown Kelowna on Dec. 20th

Starlings fill the skies in search of grape remnants from the valley's vineyards

Boucherie Rd. Wihe Trail in the heart of winter.


Winter reflections off of Lake Okanagan, West Kelowna.

Winter makes it's presence over the valley

An idle bench awaits strollers at the Gellatly walkway, West Kelowna.

Dusk settles on Green Bay off of Boucherie Road, West Kelowna.

Early spring photo of Mission Creek pedestrian reflections in the setting sun.

Early spring photo of Powers Creek, Gellatly Bay, West Kelowna.

Logging continues throughout the winter months.

Boucherie Rd. Wine Trail in the heart of winter.

Welcome to our corner of the world in West Kelowna
with it's changing seasons.

We have been truly fortunate to have enjoyed a very mild winter
Flocks of ducks congregate regularly in West Kelowna
in search of handouts

While in January employees of Quail Gate Winery prepare
the grape vines for the upcoming season

All the ducks in a row, Gallatly Bay, West Kelowna.

Ducks grazing for leftovers at Gellatly Nut Farm.

While others roam at the Parkinson Rec. Centre, Kelowna.

November view of approach to West Kelowna from Hwy.97 north of Peachland,

December view of Quails Gate vineyard, West Kelowna from our residence.

In Memory

September 11, 2001

“Once a task is begun, never leave it until it’s done,
be thy labor great or small,
do it well or not at all”.

Enjoy the rest of your day.