Contest One: Caption Contest

Submit the best caption you have to minx_devil (link below) and no cheating or else you are disqualified! Due date is until winner says the right answer.

Submit your answer for a trophy banner and a petpet!

Contest 2: Mystery Picture

Submit your answer to minx_devil. Winner recieves 3000NP and a trophy banner.

Submit your answers to minx_devil (press trophy above for linkage)

Contest 3: Beauty Contest

Submit the best picture of your neopet or any neopet to with your username and ranking. Winner recieves a food pack filled with many goodies!

Advertising Ideas

People that refer a lot get some prizes and things for their troubles. Codestones, for example. To advertise, I think it would be best if you submitted some ideas to minx_devil so she can stick it up here. Any ideas are appreciated.

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