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Looking up at the sky with stars

Last Saturday, on 26th, there was a small event in the office I work for. Remember I have been working for a cram school as a tutor. This time my boss held a introductory meeting of instructors including me. That's for talking about better teaching for students preparing for the coming summer lectures, and also for instructors to mingle with each other. What a nice man my boss is! After an-hour-and-a-half guidance by my boss, he took us to eat OKONOMIYAKI together (he treated us!) and then he took us to a KARAOKE place for us to sing. On top of that, he drived us to a mountain to see stars.I was so impressed with the splendid sight of stas seen from a huge rock located on the top of the mountain. We were standing on the rock for around an hour, each thinking of his/her delightful future under the sky full of thousands of twinkling stars.

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