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My Club Activities

I join two clubs in this KANSAI GAIDAI. One is traveling club, which is an official one. The other is KANSAI GAIDAI debating team, which is techniqually a non-official one.

Traveling club is a club in which you, with the club members, would purely enjoy going on many trips to several places all over Japan, coast to coast, from Okinawa to Hokkaido. Because I have just resistered for this club, I've not join a trip yet. However, soon I'm gonna be on a ten-day trip in the summer vacation. At that time I will be backpacking on a mountain or swimming in the sea under the blue sky or sorrounding a campfire beside a tent looking at numerous stars all over my head. I'm looking forward to it hella much (>_<)

KANSAI GAIDAI debating team is a team mainly composed of IES students. Though it's not a common team, we have a meeting on every Tuesday and do the real debate instructed by Mr. Berger, the teacher of IESb. Our debating is so exciting and so fruitful, so I'm so happy to join it. If you get to be a good debater and become the representative of the team, you can go abroad and join the international competition. I will try hard to make it (>_<)

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