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Bus tour to Himeji Castle

Last Saturday, on 28th, I went to see Himeji Castle by tour-bus as one of the club activity of the traveling club I join, which was my first trip as a member of traveling club. This time, the tour was hosted by the traveling cercle of Ryukoku Univ. and we ( KGU traveling club ) were invited to their trip. In fact, the traveling clubs of KGU Univ., Ryukoku Univ. and Setsunan Univ. often collabrate and produce some trips of fun for one another.

Well, unfortunitely last Saturday was a rainy day, but I was so exited because, for one, I'm always busy so that I'd missed trips with the buddies of my club for many times until then, for two, I'd never seen Japanese castle ever before. So, I was happy all the way on the bus, and when the bus arrived at the parking-lot of Himeji Castle and the big shape of that appeared to my eyes, I was very impressed. I also went upstairs to the top part of the castle and saw spectacular scenery from the height of the Himeji Castle. I really enjoyed this time's tour.

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