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Friday, 2 January 2004
Happy New Year from Singapore !

Happy new year, guys! How are you spending the new year days of 2004?

You know, now I'm in Singapore attending the World Debating Championship. I'm updating my page from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, where the tornament is held. Actually I've already finished all 9 rounds of the tornament. Well, to be honest, sorry, my team ended up with lower score. In every round, I was surprised at how high the level of the foreign teams (especially teams from English speaking countries) is. In fact, it was way tougher than I expected to debaete against the world. However, going thorough the world tornament for the first time, at least I enjoyed every round and I suppose I learned a lot of debating skills from each round. It's been really great experience.

For the rest of days I'm planning to go shopping and sightseeing. I hope I can enjoy it and I wish you all the best new year.

Posted by bug/insect0 at 2:31 PM JST
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