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Monday, 26 January 2004
Reflection on my 1st year

It's been 10 months since we started the 1st year of the IES class. Today, this is the last computer class and Phillip's class will be all over tomorrow. For the last time of updating my web page, I wanna write down my reflection and feeling on the 1st year.

Looking back on the beginning of Phillip's class, my first impression of my teacher, Phillip, was pretty good. Why? Because he is the man on the school guide of KGU, and I just thought "He must be the most competent teacher in this university! What's more he is so cool!". I still believe he is, and as time goes by his figure and his class also turned out to be very very characteristic. What impressed me a lot was the content of his lecture. He taught me, for example, the concept of 'propaganda' and ' rhetorical triangle', which was deep and interesting. I was so happy because those were exactly what I had wanted to learn in this program. In short, I have been blessed with a great teacher and what I've learned in his class was invaluable. Overall, my 1st year included lots of new academic experienses and learning. I appreciate the God giving me the chance to join this class.

Ok, that's it for my last comment on my LOVE&PEACE. I hope I can keep it up in the coming second year.

See ya (>_<) (>_<) (>_<)

Posted by bug/insect0 at 3:20 PM JST
Updated: Monday, 26 January 2004 3:26 PM JST
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Monday, 26 January 2004 - 3:34 PM JST

Name: teacher

Ha. Well, I think that I was the guy in the student guidebook because they probably had a deadline and my photo was the one sitting on the guy's desk when the book went to press. There are of course many excellent teacher's at Gaidai, and many excellent teachers in the IES program.

You will find this out next year firsthand when you have two of the best ones as your second year IES teachers....

Thanks for the comments; please continue this online journal if you at all have the inclination....

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