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Monday, 15 December 2003
Hussein found

Yesterday, a really big news rocked the world. The missing notorious dictator, Saddam Hussein was captured by American forces. Turning on the TV, I saw many people were yelling on a street in Iraq, celebrating the end of the evil president. I also saw the British prime minister, Tony Blar, was making a comment about that on the TV.

Hearing the historical news ----- because I had thought he's already dead and his body or any trace of him would never be found ----- it totally seemed an unexpected thing to me. I was a bit surpriesd and checked out what's reported on the news at all again and again. The video of the wounded old man with long beard was undoubtedly Hussein. He appeard to be awfully tired and no longer looks like what he used to be, so much proud of himself with the green hat on his head. At first sight, actually I felt a little bit sympathy to the seemingly poor old man. However it's self-evident that he is an vicious dictator, who killed thousands of people. He asked for what he is now, I thought.

Posted by bug/insect0 at 3:04 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 13 January 2004 3:57 PM JST
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Monday, 8 December 2003
Christmas is coming.

Today is December 8th. As you can see, Christmas is just around the corner. Sadly, I have no lover to spend the day with this year. Of course, spending Christmas with a date is the sweetest thing to do. Still, even without a lover, I like this holy night pretty much. Everything seems special and romantic on the day and I think I can have fun with my family, my friends, whoever.

When Christmas is coming, I also think about some well-known Christmas songs. My favorite is, though it's orthodox, `Last Christmas`, the song of Wham!. I also like `Happy Christmas`, John Lennon & Yoko Ono.

So, what's your favorite Christmas song?

Posted by bug/insect0 at 3:34 PM JST
Updated: Friday, 2 January 2004 2:36 PM JST
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Monday, 1 December 2003
I can go to Singapore !

Everybody, listen up! You know, I join the debating team in this college. This time I have been picked up as a member of representatives for the world tornament, which is going to be held in Singapore! That rocks. Don't you think so?

Actually, I have been dreaming about it since the last semester, so I tried harder and hareder in every week's practice to get into the squad (only 4 students can be sent to the tornament) for Singapore. And ... finally I made it. Now I'm so excited, preparing for the tornament with my other 3 team mates. I hope we can do our best in Singapore and stand out among other teams from all over the world. Japan is gonna do something (>_<)

Posted by bug/insect0 at 4:22 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 14 January 2004 2:49 PM JST
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003
Presentation in Kim's class

In this semester, we are doing presentation stuffs in Kim's class. And tomorrow, it's my turn to present a big one in front of the class. It's a pair presentation, and my partner is Shiho. Our topic is AIDS/HIV (big topic!). We've been preparing for it since the last semester. Now, it's time to present our hard work to everybody. I hope we can give my classmates a valuable presentation on AIDS/HIV.

Posted by bug/insect0 at 3:38 PM JST
Updated: Tuesday, 25 November 2003 3:47 PM JST
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Monday, 17 November 2003
It's getting coooolder !

How's it going, everyone? The climate is changing really swiftly everyday, and these days it's getting colder and colder, you know. I, who tends to feel cold, is always trembling outside (>_<) I'm afraid I've not gotten use to the climate in Hirakata yet. I hope you guys don't get a cold, and keep warm and fine in this season. I think we'd better prepare for the coming winter from now on.

Besids, we can find that Christmas and the new year are coming soon, in about a month. I have no plan of the Christmas and the new year so far, but I hope I can enjoy the last events of this year with somebody.

Alright, that's is for today's journal. Take care!

Posted by bug/insect0 at 3:02 PM JST
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