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                   the cuban treefrog


Cuban Tree Frog

osteopilus septentrionalis

These are the largest
treefrogs in North America! - varying in color from dark green to pale gray. Will
change color to match environment. May have spots that sometimes disappear (depending on environment)
Big or little feet with the characteristic sticky pads on the toes. They also have large eyes. 


    Cuban tree frogs will do well in a typical woodland terrarium with a small dish with a small amount of (clean) water is necessary
(these frogs do not like to swim too much-they only use the water to hydrate their skin.) Lot's of places
to hide are a necessity - moss is definately recommended. 
The temperature in the enclosure should not go much below 70° degrees .

Crickets are a main source of nutrition.  Cuban Tree Frogs
can have a huge appetite. The females eat a lot more than the males. In the warmer months they eat many
more crickets than during the colder months. Remember to dust the crickets once a week.

These frogs are noisy. They bark often usually at odd hours of the morning (1am). They sound like little
dogs barking. wakes you up sometimes.
Cuban TreeFrogs are a very hardy and inexpensive species. 


coments:  make good pets. 

                  - minimum of a tall 10 gallon tank with lots of  hiding spots

                 -  grow very big

                 -  very hardy

                  - about 10 crickets a week is good

                     -   remember to dust crickets with vitamins

               - use a moss substrate  with shallow water dish and add lots of plants.

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