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Strawberry Arrow Frog


General info:

   These frogs live in the moist rain forests of Costa Rica.  They grow to a 1 inche when full grown.  You should never handle these frogs because of there toxic secretions they use for defense.


   The Strawberry Arrow frog should have a tank of at least 10 gallons or larger.  The tank should be well planted and have lots of hiding places.  The water dish should be shallow and large so these frogs can have a soak without drowning.  The substrate should be moss or forest bed (dampened soil).  You should mist the tank every other day so the humidity is medium to high.


   There should be uvb lighting for 12-14 hours during the day.  The temperature during the day should be from 76-84 and 74- 79 during the night.  You should use a low wattage heat lamp for a basking area and a under the tank heating pad for night time.


   You should feed these frogs pinhead crickets and fruit flies.  Remember to dust all the insects with the calcium and vitamins powder.  don't over dust!  Breeding crickets before you get the frog will supply 100's of tiny crickets for your frogs. Saving you alot of money.

