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Sugar Substitutes

Sweet Balance is the sugar subsitute that we recommend.  It is made from glycosoids, highly sweet substances extracted from the Chinese Lo Han fruit.  With a glycemic index rating of 7, it has very little effect on blood sugar and is available, on-line, at

Another alternative is Stevia,  an herb with highly sweet properties.  Some object to its "licorice-like" after-taste.

An unacceptable alternative is Splenda.  This chemically engineered sweetener alters sugar by switching three hydrogen molecules with chlorine molecules.  Although approved by the FDA, some studies show a link to thyroid damage in lab animals with this product.


Vegetables form the basis of a Living Medicine Food Plan.  Eat lots of them.  The vegetables to avoid (due to their high glycemic nature) are:

á Corn
á Potatoes
á Carrots

All other vegetables are acceptable.


Fruit is another key component of this plan.  Most fruit has a low to moderate glycemic index and is acceptable.  Some are higher in glycemic value and should be eaten in limited quantities.  They include:

á Bananas
á Grapes
á Watermelon
á Canned fruit
á Dried fruit except apricots


Acceptable carbohydrate snacks that may be eaten in moderation and always with protein are:

Rye crisp
Pita Bread (great toasted)
Avoid chips, pretzels, crackers


Consume in low quantities.  The best choices are rye and stone-ground whole-wheat pita bread, and stone ground whole-wheat bagels. All other breads have a high glycemic value.


Avoid most breakfast cereals.  The best choices are Special K, Shredded Wheat, and Oatmeal (not the instant variety).


Pasta, including whole-wheat, is highly glycemic and is not part of  a Living Medicine Food Plan.  There is good news however. A low glycemic pasta under the brand name of "Adriennes" made from lentil flour is available at certain stores (in Southern California Albertsons is your best bet - if they don't have it in stock, ask the manager to special order it).  It tastes and looks very similar to wheat pasta.  Also available is a wheat and soy flour pasta that is moderate on the glycemic index.   This is available on-line from Vantage Products at


Corn and wheat tortillas are highly glycemic and should be avoided.  Trader JoeÕs in Southern California sells low glycemic tortillas made partially with soy flour that are moderately glycemic and are acceptable.


Both white and brown rice are highly glycemic.  Forget munching rice cakes as a low calorie snack - they affect your blood sugar levels almost at the same level as table sugar.

Low glycemic pasta in the shape of rice is available at health food stores and makes a good rice substitute.  


Sweets are not a part of a Living Medicine Food Plan.  If you like sweets, you may eat them on your cheating days.  The best choices are high quality premium ice cream, cheesecake and other items that have protein and fat.  These are highly glycemic and should be eaten only a couple of times per week.  A good low glycemic alternative is non-sweetened yogurt, mixed with spreadable fruit and some berries.


Most juice is highly glycemic.  The lowest glycemic juice is apple and may be consumed in moderate quantities.  Diluting your favorite juice with 50% water is not a bad compromise.  Avoid sports beverages and of course soft drinks.

