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Comparisons to Other Popular Diets


We're often asked how this diet compares to other popular diets, especially The Zone and Atkins.  While it incorporates principles of each, it is much simpler and does not pose any health risks.

The Atkins Diet is a low carbohydrate/high protein program.  It will absolutely lead to weight loss and will balance blood sugar and insulin levels.  The major drawback is its potential risk from the high consumption of protein and low intake of carbohydrates that leads to a condition called ketosis.  In ketosis, the liver and kidneys  can be severely damaged.

The Zone Diet, like the Living Medicine Food Plan, is based on the low glycemic principle.  The Zone Diet is more complicated and difficult to adhere to because one must consume protein and carbohydrates in a particular ratio. It allows no bread, pasta or rice while our diet provides acceptable substitutes.  

Simply put, the Living Medicine program is simpler both in its ease of compliance and feeling that you're not giving up on the enjoyment of food.

The Living Medicine Food Plan is a simple, common sense diet that controls blood sugar and insulin levels by stressing low glycemic foods.  It is NOT a low carbohydrate diet.  Every patient we have put on this diet has safely lost weight and improved their health without feeling hungry or deprived. As always, check with your doctor or schedule an appointment at our office before starting any new food program.  

The generalities of this program are given on this website.  Some can take this overview and start a nutritional plan that works exceptionally well for them.  Many others will benefit substantially from having an appointment with Dr. Keith Henry and having a program tailored to their specific needs.  If you would like to set-up an appointment with Dr. Henry, you may call his office at 310-820-1368. If traveling to the Los Angeles area is impossible, communicating by phone and/or e-mail will accomplish the same thing.  


