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Which Arlington Binhi guy are you?

1. Someone just insulted you. Your response is...
I love you too.
get your friends to turn the insult on em!
That hurt on the inside.
Say a clever comeback.
What did you say.
Hey!*hit them lightly*

2. When it comes to the most important people in your life, they are...
My close friends.
My non-enemies
My girls.
My Friends(all 256 million of them).
not as stupid as me!
My leroys.
My friends if i have any.
People who share my hobbies.

3. Someone just met you. Their first general impression of you is that you are...
Very shy
A loser
Who hasnt met me?

4. Someone important to you is in danger! You...
Help but not alone
Get help.
Help them.
Hope somebody does something. You sure as hell can't do anything!
Are confused.
Stay calm! You know they can pull themselves out of it. You believe in their strength.
Watch the professonals do it. you'll just get in the way.
Go out to save them...with little planning beforehand. You end up being in danger with them.

5. Your friends would say you should be...
More talkative.
More prepared.
Less positive. see the truth
More positive.
More serious.
More expressive with your negative feelings.
More thoughful.
Less sarcastic.

6. The more people get to know you, the more they will learn...
You're not as stupid as you seem.
How you dont listen to world events like whats up with SARS.
...Nothing? I don't really have a deep or secret side. I'm easy to figure out.
How you like mystical forces like witchcraft.
That you can be serious.
That i'm not that much of a bastard..
How troublesome your life is.
You can be very mature

7. If you were a school stereotype, you'd be...
The kid.
The lionel.
The game freak.
The goth.
The leroy.
The weird dork.
The loveable idiot.
The party guy.
The loser.