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What You Can Do

What You Can Do
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Write a post card to a random person! (get addresses from

decorate metal cupcake holders, add a note or present and leave it 'visibly-hidden' in a public place

write messages and poems and leave them on bullentin boards, car windshields, mail boxes, or in books!

buy balloons, write messages on them and leave the on car antennas

blow bubbles everywhere

keep change in your pocket for handy handouts at a cash register

go to the park and leave plastic figurines in party poses!

glitter hugs and smiles

anyone will enjoy finding this little jar of rainbowdirt!

write quotes and messages on index cards

leave a note book at a busstop for people to write in while they wait

sneak trinkets into pant pockets, shoes, mittens, purses and books at big stores!

borrow a lawn decoration and take pictures of it in a happier place (amelie style!)

slip encouraging messages into library books, magazines and public newspapers

one word POST-ITS!

carry rubber stamps with you and ask strangers if they need a stamp!

leave glitter-fied quarters in change return slots

learn to make origami stars and sprinkle them throughout your city.

decorate film canisters and leave trinkets inside of them!

attach ribbon to hang index cards in clever places!