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we wont tell you because we believe good acts are done not to gain credit, but to bring happiness to others. However we will give you our alias identities and hope you all have them too!

Name: Bijou Montgomery Age: 19 Hair: short and black Likes: taking long warm baths, knitting, sparkles, japan, red, colouring, taking naps Dislikes: meat, illness, cleaning, sticky fingers, the colour brown, sour milk Favourite Random Act of Kindess (RAOK): index card messages in random places

Name: Evan Riven Age: 19 Hair: long red with bangs Likes: animals, colors, music, crazy dancing, lasagne, rice, stars, rainbows Dislikes: mean people, chickens, spit, gum, blood, needles Favourite RAOK: leaving pretty balloons on peoples car antennas