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   Base Timeline

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bullet January 1 - January 14

            Research Work Requirements
            Conduct product research, vendor research, and end-user research.

bullet March

            Develop working requirements and subsequently contract for hardware.   

bullet April

            Acquire and store hardware.  Identify software and subsequent design and development of case management database system.

bullet May

            Develop client intake program and corresponding link to case management system.

bullet June

Develop web portal.

bullet July

            Test hardware and software locally.  Identify test locations.

bullet August

            Assess and correct deficiencies and retest.  Subsequently, begin training of test site personnel.


·        September

            Initiate testing phase at test sites.


·        October

            Assess and correct deficiencies.  Conduct training for entire Fleet Marine Force.


·        November

            Distribute hardware and software to all units.

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