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All About Me!

Name- Elicia

Nicknames- Frog, Feleesher, Sheesha, Sister, Little Sister, The Kid, Ghetto Fabulous.

Date of birth- January 12, 1984

Place of birth- East L.A. Represent.

Current residence- Chino Hills, California

Parents names- Mom and Dad. I don’t know their real names. They never told me.

Siblings (names and ages)- Christina is 23 and she is my sister.

Religion-I was baptized Catholic, but I don't practice any religion.

School- Mt. San Antonio Community College

AIM- vwtilky7

Age- 21


Color- lime green and ghetto fabulous

Number- 7

Food- tacos

Drink- kiwi lemonade from Applebee’s

Alcoholic drink- I don't drink, but virgin margaritas are good.

Day of the week- Friday

Holiday- St. Patty’s Day and Christmas, but I love all holidays. I’m a holiday person.

Website- and

Subject in school- I like my fashion classes. The homework and projects are fun.

Game- Saved By The Bell game, The Heartthrob Game, Candy Land, Song Burst, Bullshit, 123, asking questions

T.V. Show- T.V. is pretty gay.

Ice cream flavor- I love all ice cream; I don't discriminate.

Movie- Every movie that I’ve ever seen and wanted to see again is one of my favorite movies.

Quote- “Christina, you have more cleavage in the back than in the front” -me

Pick-up line- “I lost my teddy bear, can I sleep with you?”

Type of music- The type that is written and sung and has instruments played all by the same people.

Sport- I like going to hockey games because I like seeing the guys slam into the glass. I also like football.

Car- I Love Volkswagens. Old, new, almost any model

Actor- Matt Damon, John Cusack

Actress- Mandy Moore

Comedian- Sarah Silverman is pretty funny.

CD- I couldn't even tell you. It’s a tie between like twenty-five albums.

Band- I think every band I love is one of my favorites. So here it goes… Led Zeppelin, Fenix TX, Lit, The Doors, The Yardbirds, Cream, Blink 182, Something Corporate, Weezer, Finch, Jimmy Eat World, Save Ferris, The Clash, Queen, Cheap Trick, David Bowie, Elvis Costello, The Cure, The Beach Boys, The Kinks, The Zombies, and sooo many more.

Song- I seriously have like two hundred.

Animal- Monkeys. Particularly Curious George and Julius.

Book- A-Z Car Encyclopedia, The Best Little Monkeys in the World and the Encyclopedia of British Beat Groups & Solo Artists of the Sixties.

Musician- John Paul Jones.

Random Questions…

Weird habits- That’s right, habits with an ‘s’ meaning more than one or, in my case, waaay more than one. Let’s see…I don’t step on every other square on the downstairs tile floor, I have to eat things in even bites (one for each side of my mouth), I wash my hands like thirty times a day, I rinse my mouth exactly three times after I brush my teeth, I have to rearrange the pickles on my burger before I eat it, I trace letters on signs with my eyes, and If I go on any further, no one will like me anymore.

What I want to be when I grow up- I want to be a clothing and accessories designer.

My biggest pet peeve- I hate when someone doesn't know the words to a song so they mumble, hum or sing the wrong words. I also hate when people lie to you because they think you’ll think they’re cool if they tell you they know somebody famous or have a lot of money or something.

That's all you need to know for now.