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Song of the Day

The most recent songs are at the bottom, so basically the songs go from oldest to newest if you're scrolling down.

July 19, 2003- For the very first song of the day, I wanted it to be very special, so the song of the day is "Best of Me" by The Starting Line. I played it as soon as I got to work this morning because I'm really excited to see them on Sep. 6th.

July 20, 2003- Today's song is the new Rancid song "Fall Back Down" because it's awesome.

July 21, 2003- There is no song of the day today because fortunately I listened to way too much good music to choose only one song.

July 22, 2003- Happy Birthday, Tina! The song of the day today is "Pretty Girl (The Way)" by Sugarcult. It gives me chills when I hear it and Tim's voice is so sexy especially in this song.

July 23, 2003- Today's song is "Tomorrow" by Home Grown. It's a cool song and I could not stop singing "California dreaming..." It's infectious.

July 24, 2003- Happy Birthday, Christina! Today's song is "Happy Birthday To Me" by The Vandals because Chrissytina was so excited about listening to it all day long, so we did.

July 25, 2003- The song for today is "She's Nubs" by NOFX because what can I say? It's hilarious. It's special today because I played it for my dad and he thinks it's hilarious, too!

July 26, 2003- Today is 80's day at work so the song is "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. It's a really good song.

July 27, 2003- Crystal came over today and we drove around listening to Finch like we always do, so the song of the day is "Post Script" by Finch because it's one of the best songs on the whole CD.

July 28, 2003- It was hard to pick a song for today because we listened to a lot of music, but the song I chose is "Festival Song" by Good Charlotte. The whole CD brings back fond memories of last spring/summer.

July 29, 2003- The song of the day today is "If You Don't, Don't" by Jimmy Eat World really for no reason. I heard it today and I love it.

July 30, 2003- Today's song is "O Girlfriend" by Weezer. I really like the sincerity in Rivers' voice and (like all =w= songs) the guitars are awesome.

July 31, 2003- I was at the mall and I heard "This Time Around" by Hanson. I know nobody is going to like me but I made that the song of the day today. It brings back good memories, okay?

August 1, 2003- The song for Today is "Young Americans" by David Bowie. I love the part where he says "...Ain't no one damn song that could make me break down and cry." It's timeless.

August 2, 2003- Today was Tina/Christina/Ryan's 21st birthday party and we listened to a lot of music. Therefore, there are 3 songs for today. "Date Rape" by Sublime because when we played it everyone was so excited, "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye because Crystal and I danced and sung really loud to it and people looked at us like we were freaks, and "Take It Off" by The Donnas because Crystal, Tina and I sung really loud and danced to it and it's such a fun song.

August 3, 2003- Today's song is "Dammit" by Blink 182. It was the first song we heard when we went swimming and it motivated us to jump in the pool. Plus it's like the greatest song ever.

August 4, 2003- The song of the day is "Bouncing off the Walls" by Sugarcult because we saw American Wedding and it's in the end of the movie and then at Crystal's house we watched Van Wilder and it's at the end of that movie, too!

August 5, 2003- I didn't listen to anything good enough to choose a song of the day.

August 6, 2003- ditto.

August 7, 2003- The song of today is "Somewhere On Fullerton" by Allister. It's like seriously awesome and Crystal and I listened to the whole 'Last Stop Suburbia' CD 3 times today.

August 8, 2003- The song of the day is "You Really Got Me" by The Kinks because it's awesome and we listened to it at Poker Night.

August 9, 2003- The song of the day today is "You're My Best Friend" by Queen. It's such a cute song to dedicate to your best friend.

August 10-14, 2003- During this 5-day period, I was nowhere near my computer, nor did I listen to any truly good music that stood out. What a shame, but there are no songs for these days.

August 14, 2003- The song of the day is "Alison" by Elvis Costello. My dad and I were discussing how stupid people think it's a love song but really he's talking about wanting to kill her and her cheating on him with his friend. It's such a lovely song!

August 15, 2003- The song of the day is "Hate Every Beautiful Day" by Sugarcult because there's a lyric where he says "...I wish it was raining, 'cause I hate every beautiful day" that's perfect because you look outside and it looks beautiful but then you go outside and is so god damn hot that you really do wish it was raining. Also it's a really cool song.

August 16, 2003- The song of the day is "Surrender" by Cheap Trick just because it freakin' rocks!

August 17, 2003- Today's song is "Your Precious Love" by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell. Marvin Gaye is just the greatest R&B artist of all time.

August 18, 2003- No song today because sadly I did not hear any good music. Nothing memorable. It was my first day of school, though.

August 19, 2003- The song of the day is "Because" by Dave Clark Five. I love it a lot.

August 20, 2003- The song of the day today is "Rock And Roll" by Led Zeppelin not only because it's the epitome of a perfect rock & roll song but it's also Robert Plant's birthday. Plus, I'm obsessed with Led Zeppelin.

August 21, 2003- The song of the day is "All My Fault" by Fenix TX because literally it is the greatest song of all time. I'm not even exaggerating. If I could, I would listen to it all day every day. It's just perfect.

August 22, 2003- Today's song is "Superspy" by Save Ferris because it's cool. I decided to listen to that CD today and I'm very glad I did because it's awesome! It reminds me of 8th grade when I used to listen to it like 5 times a day every day.

August 23-September 3, 2003- No songs for these days. I just completely forgot to do it and now it's too late to remember the most important or best songs of all those days.

September 4, 2003- The song of the day is "Ender" by Finch. We listened to it and it was actually a good ending to a horrible night in which we missed a concert, lost the brakes on Tina's car, got stranded in the ghetto of San Diego, and ate plastic-tasting fettuccine alfredo at the Macaroni Grill. Listening to Finch on the way home, seeing Shell, and getting free chocolate cake were the only things that saved that night from being the worst night ever.

September 5, 2003- The song of the day is the Phantom Planet version of that horrible Jackson Browne song "Somebody's Baby" off the "Not Another Teen Movie" soundtrack. They did it really well and actually make me like the song.

September 6, 2003- Today was the day I went to see The Starting Line, Home Grown, Allister, The Early November and Senses Barf, I mean Senses Fail. It was a very awesome show so there are 3 songs for today. They are... "Left Coast Envy" by The Starting Line because Kenny said it was perfect for us because it's about how much they love California, "Give It Up" by Home Grown because Tina is obsessed with the part where Adam says "...I'll turn you on like a stereo", and "None of My Friends Are Punks" by Allister because it's like 45 seconds long and it contains the same amount of coolness as a regular-sized song.

September 7, 2003- There's no song for today. Today sucked.

September 8, 2003- Today's song is "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls. It's a really (literally) gay song but I watched a rerun of Friends and Chandler's cross-dressing dad sung it and it was pretty hilarious.

September 9, 2003- The song of the day today is "Overrated" by Allister because it's stuck in my head and it's a really cool song.

September 10, 2003- The song of the day today is "California" by Phantom Planet. I'm not a Phantom Planet fan, I've only heard 2 of their songs but I happen to really love this song. We watched a rerun of "The O.C." today and that's the theme song and I love that show so much.

September 11, 2003- The song of the day is "Down" by Something Corporate. It's so good. Today was the first time I heard it because it's new.

September 12, 2003- Today, the song is "Ziplock" by one of the greatest, nicest, best live bands of all time...Lit. I seriously love them. I don't care if you think they're lame and I don't care if you think they're 2-hit wonders. You are not entitled to an opinion of them until you see them live and talk to them. They are such a great band and they are seriously really nice, cool guys and so generous. They always let tons of people backstage and Kevin (the bass player) gives the BEST hugs ever. Plus, this is one of my 3 favorite Lit songs.

September 13, 2003- I did not listen to anything cool today.

September 14, 2003- Once again, today sucked musically so there's no song of the day.

September 15, 2003- There is no song today. Not that anyone cares, but sorry.

September 16, 2003- The song of the day today is "Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie. I love that song like with a passion. I just wish I could hear the rest of the songs they recorded during that session. Freddie Mercury and David Bowie have two of the greatest voices of all time. It was such a genius collaboration, it's amazing they never released any more material together.

September 17, 2003- There were only 2 songs that stood out today but unfortunately, both of them have already been a song of the day, so I guess there is no song today.

September 18, 2003- The song of the day is "Whole Lotta Love" by the one and only Led Zeppelin. It's my favorite Led Zeppelin song and I seriously have to listen to it at least once a day. When I do, I usually end up listening to the whole album. I have it on CD and vinyl.

September 19, 2003- So I was in the car and they were playing "The Leaving Song Pt. 2" by AFI which, in my opinion, is not the best song but I knew it was almost over so I left it on that station. Then right after it finished, they played the little clip that says "Ready for round two" so I knew it was gonna be "Days of The Phoenix" also by AFI. I love that song and I hardly ever get to hear it, so that's the song of the day.

September 20, 2003- The song of the day is "Your House" by Jimmy Eat World. It's that song where he says " rip my heart right out, you rip my heart right out" after everything. I love that song, just like the rest of that CD. It's just one of the best CDs ever. Even if you think you won't like it, you will. Unless you're dead inside.

September 21, 2003- The song today is "Ruby Soho" by none other than Rancid. Christina came over to go swimming (which we didn't do) and she brought her "Ruby Soho" 45 to listen to it because she doesnt have a turntable. It sounds really cool on vinyl. Then we went out to dinner, at Island's.

September 22, 2003- The song for today is "Time of the Season" by The Zombies. I love this song. The singer has such an awesome voice and they were really good. They were like psychedelic pop. It sounds like a weird combo, but it totally worked.

September 23, 2003- The song today is "Hands Down" by Dashboard Confessional. I really do not like them, but for some reason I like this song. I heard it on the radio like a month ago and thought it was a cool song but the guy's voice was too Dashboard, then it ended and the DJ said it was DC and I was like, "NO! It's too good to be them."

September 24, 2003- I listened to Led Zeppelin a lot today but I can't have their songs be so close together so there is no song of the day. If there was, it would be "Ramble On" because it's freakin' great. Okay fine, that's the song of the day.

September 25, 2003- The song of the day is "Chick Magnet" by MxPx. I'm not the biggest MxPx fan but for some reason I decided to listen to the "Ten Years and Running" CD and I had to hear that song 3 times in a row. The bass line in the beginning is priceless. That CD makes me mad, though because my favorite MxPx song ("I'm OK, You're OK") is not on it and it's the song they played on the radio the most. Oh well. What can you do?

September 26, 2003- The song is "Mony Mony" by Tommy James & The Shondells. Although I'm a fan of the Billy Idol version, I still think the original was better. Tommy James' songs always get covered because they were so good.

September 27, 2003- Today's song is "Train" by Lagwagon. I think it's my favorite Lagwagon song. The whole CD "Let's Talk About Feelings" is so great. It's even better because I bought it for 99 cents at Hot Topic when they blew out their old playlist CDs. I had never heard a Lagwagon song but my friend told me they were his favorite band so I bought it and I can totally see why.

September 28, 2003- The song of the day is "Generation" by Emerson Hart. It's the theme for the show 'American Dreams'. I love that show. The first time I saw it I didn't think that song was right for it, but I've grown to love it. Tonight was the season premiere and I heard the song on 'Rodney on the ROQ' which is an actually decent program on Sunday nights at midnight on a local radio station, KROQ. So it's totally fitting that that would be the song of the day.

September 29, 2003- Happy Birthday, Dad! It's my dad's 46th birthday today. Yay! I love other-people's birthdays. Anyway, the song for today is "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. Even though I don't sport a confederate flag in my window and I'm not too big a fan of southern rock, this song really kicks ass. So there you go, Dad. Have some kick-ass music for your birthday.

September 30, 2003- The song today is the new song "Yesterdays" by Pennywise. It's seriously good. I like Pennywise, but I wouldn't say I'm a fan. However, if all their songs were somewhat like this one, I would be a fan. The first time I heard it I was impressed. It's kind of different from all their other songs I've heard. Different, but cool.

October 1, 2003- The song of the day today is by a band who has really been overlooked on my 'Song of the Day' page. That band is Green Day and the song is "Welcome to Paradise". I heard it today and I thought about the fact that I haven't featured any Green Day songs yet. It was long overdue. They are definitely one of my favorite bands and not to mention the best live band I've ever seen. I've only seen them once but it was truly amazing.

October 2, 2003- Today, the song is "Holiday" by Weezer. I seriously love them. They are truly one of the best bands and one of my favorite bands of all time. I can listen to all their CDs all the way through, but my favorite is (Big-time =w= fans would shoot me for not saying 'Pinkerton') their first self-titled CD a.k.a. 'The Blue Album'. Anyways, the song is so good. My favorite part (Is it weird that I have favorite parts in songs?) is when he says "Don't bother to pack your bags or a map, we don't need them where we're goin'." I can't say enough good things about Weezer. Wait, I think I just did.

October 3, 2003- I don't remember what I did today and I also don't remember what good songs I heard either. No song today then.

October 4, 2003- The song is "Money" by Pink Floyd. I like the chingy noise in the very beginning.

October 5, 2003- The song of the day is "(Hurricane) The Formal Weather Pattern" by Something Corporate. I know the name of this song was later changed to simply "Hurricane" for the "Leaving Through The Window" CD, but they're different versions and the version I chose is the first one they recorded off the "Audioboxer" EP.

October 6, 2003- I was so tired today that I just wanted to sleep and not listen to any music (as crazy as that may be) so there's no song today.

October 7, 2003- There are two songs for today, both by the same artist off the same CD. They are "Katie W." and "Tearjerker" both by Fenix TX, my favorite band. Tina and I were cleaning our rooms and we listened to the "Lechuza" CD the whole time. "Katie W." is Tina's favorite and "Tearjerker" is my favorite song off that CD, but really the whole entire CD is awesome. It's definitely in my top three, maybe even two or one.

October 8, 2003- The song of the day is "Hand Grenade" by The Movielife. Why? Because today I found out some sad news...The Movielife has broken up. I saw them last year at Warped Tour and they were very good. That was the only song I knew of theirs and since then every time I hear it, it reminds me of how much fun I had that day. Hopefully, some of the members will go on to form more bands that are even better. So let's not think of it as no more Movielife, we'll think of it as recycling the Movielife!!!

October 9, 2003- The song of the day is "Feeling This" by Blink 182. They are one of my favorite bands and my sister and I have been waiting so long to hear their new stuff and now that I have, it was totally worth the wait. I can't wait until the CD comes out on November 18!

October 10, 2003- Today's song is "Crazy For You" by Madonna. I think it's my favorite Madonna song.

October 11, 2003- The song today is "Stay" by Oingo Boingo. I got the 'Dead Man's Party' album yesterday and the whole thing is really good which is rare for a band from the 80s.

October 12, 2003- No song today.

October 13 & 14, 2003- I'm sick so I watched TV and didn't pick any songs for these days.

October 15, 2003- The song today is "It's My Life" by No Doubt. It's a remake of the 1984 Talk Talk song, but I think the No Doubt version is better. It's fun.

October 16, 2003- The song of the day is "Signals Over the Air" by Thursday because it's the only decent song I heard all day.

October 17, 2003- No song today.

October 18, 2003- Or today.

October 19, 2003- The song of the day is "Way Away" by Yellowcard. I love it. I have to admit, I don't have any of their CDs, but I love every single one of their songs that I've heard so far. I especially love their version of the Michelle Branch song "Everywhere" on the 'Punk Goes Pop' CD. It's the best song on that CD.

October 20, 2003- The song today is "Darling Nikki" by Foo Fighters. It's a Prince song, (who, by the way, I can't stand) but they do it good. Of course they do, Dave Grohl is great.

October 21, 2003- Today's song is "She's Not There" by The Zombies. Colin Blunstone has one of the best voices ever. It's so smooth and cool.

October 22, 2003- The song of the day is "Phoebe Cates" by my favorite band, Fenix TX. I listened to that CD and saw actress Phoebe Cates on 'I Love The 80s Strikes Back' on VH1.

December 2, 2003- I know it's been about six weeks since I updated this page. My bratty DSL and my out-of-date firewall are really picky about what sites they let me go to. I can't go to angelfire, hotmail, or anything cool. I can pretty much go to Yahoo! (sometimes) and eBay. We had a Verizon guy out here for three days and the DSL seems to be working a lot faster, but I still can't get into my Hotmail account unless I'm at school. Oh well. There's no song of the day.

December 3-5, 2003- No songs.

December 6, 2003- Happy Birthday, Erik!!! The song of the day is "The Decline" by NOFX. I was reluctant to make this the song of the day because I have never heard this song. Sad, but true. Oh well, I broke a rule. Big deal.

December 7-23, 2003- Hey, I have a life! Let's just say I was Christmas shopping this whole time.

December 24, 2003- Merry Christmas Eve! Today's song is "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree" by Brenda Lee. It's Tina's favorite and my second favorite Christmas song. I urge everyone to rock around their Christmas trees and drink hot chocolate.

December 25, 2003- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! The song of the day is "Little Saint Nick" by The Beach Boys because it is my favorite Christmas song.

December 26-29, 2003- I'm sick and when I'm sick I can't do anything but watch TV. I HATE IT!!!

December 30, 2003- The song of the day is "Ashes To Ashes" by David Bowie. I got the 'Best of Bowie' 2 CD set for Christmas and I've been playing the crap out of it. It's SO good.

April 2, 2004- Wow! It's been over three months since I updated this shizz. That's lame. Nobody reads this anyways. Well, the song of the day is "Don't Do Me Like That" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers.

April 9, 2004- The song of the day is "What It Is To Burn" by Finch because I saw them tonight and they were freakin' rad!

April 10, 2004- Today is Mandy Moore's 20th birthday so the song is "Crush" because it's a really cute song.

April 11, 2004- The song today is "With A Girl Like You" by The Troggs, the same band that sings "Wild Thing". I love the song and I listened to it like a million times today.

April 12, 2004- Today's song is "Good Times Bad Times" by Led Zeppelin. It's such an awesome song!

April 13, 2004- The song of the day today is "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker" by The Ramones because it's cool.

April 20, 2004- The song of the day is "Penny & Me" by Hanson. You may laugh at me, but you know you've seen the video and admitted to yourself (or someone you trust) that the song along with the band are pretty good. I almost forgot...Happy Birthday, Ash! He's 22 today.

April 21, 2004- Today, the song of the day is "I Wanna Save You" by Something Corporate. It's just a good song that I listened to tonight.

May 3, 2004- Yeah, so much for 'Song of the Day', more like 'Song of the Month'! I actually have a life...sometimes! Anyways, the song today is the Jimi Hendrix version of "All Along The Watchtower". I have to say that it's one of the best, if not the best, Bob Dylan covers of all time. He does the song justice, but makes it his own.

May 4, 2004- Today's song is "This Love" by Maroon 5. I know the song is everywhere, but I can't deny the fact that it always puts me in a good mood and makes me wanna shake my ass!

May 5, 2004- The song of the day is "Dancin' Days" by Led Zeppelin because I heard it twice today and it rocks!

May 6, 2004- The song for today is "If It Were Up To Me" by Rooney. I love it because it's so cute.

May 7, 2004- The song of the day is "My Name Is Jonas" by Weezer because it's cool.

May 8, 2004- Today's song is "Tainted Love" by Soft Cell because we went to an 80s party and they played it. Everybody was dressed so rad and it was totally awesome until the cops came because we were too loud. Upland sucks! Chino Hills parties never get shut down.

May 9, 2004- The song of the day today is "Every Night's Another Story" by The Early November. I've been wanting to hear it ever since I saw the video at Tilly's on Friday. So I listened to it three times.

May 10, 2004- I will not condone honoring a crappy ass song and that's all I heard today, so there is no song of the day.

May 11, 2004- Today's song is "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard. We can only listen to the radio in Kisha's car and that was the only decent song I heard all day. I love it, though.

May 12, 2004- I have to make the song of the day "Roses" by Outkast because I heard it five times today and it's annoying, but I like it. I like the part where he says, "woo woo woo".

May 13, 2004- The song of the day today is "Photograph" by Def Leppard. It's awesome how they have a one-armed drummer...and he's good!

May 14, 2004- Today's song is "Memory" by Sugarcult because Tim is so hot and I saw the video twice today. Gosh, MTV is so repetitive with their videos!

May 15, 2004- The song today is "Miserable" by Lit because I went to see them at the Fender Museum and they were always!

May 16, 2004- The song of the day is "Cailin" by Unwritten Law. The local alternative rock radio station was having a "Flashback of the '90s Weekend" and I was forced to listen to it by Tina and Kisha. That was the only cool song I heard. No Reel Big Fish...nothing really cool except that song.

May 17, 2004- Today, the song is "Clarity" by John Mayer. It's Tina's "happy song", so we listened to it this morning on the way to school to take our finals. It gave me a sense of "clarity"! Wow, I didn't even laugh at my own bad joke. I must be tired. Anyways, I do really love the song.

May 18, 2004- The Song of the day is "I Love You Not" by Home Grown. It's a really funny song.

May 19, 2004- The song of the day today is "I Want You To Want Me" by Cheap Trick because it's seriously one of the greatest songs of all time. How can you not love the Budokan?

May 20, 2004- I saw Something Corporate tonight in Ventura for a live DVD taping. They played a new version of "Drunk Girl" where they changed the end and added the end of "Hey Ya" by Outkast. It was seriously so good. I don't know how Andrew, a 21-year-old white kid from Orange County, could sound just like them, but it was really cool. So, that's the song of the day, "Drunk Girl/Hey Ya" by Something Corporate.

May 21, 2004- Congratulations on graduating, Tina! I'm so proud of you, Sister. The song of the day is "All My Love" by, you guessed it, Led Zeppelin. What am I gonna do when I run out of Led Zeppelin songs? They only put out ten albums!

May 22, 2004- The song of the day is "The Man Who Sold The World" by David Bowie. Yeah, that's the song Nirvana did on MTV Unplugged and they did it really good, but the original is just a little bit better.

May 23, 2004- I didn't listen to music today, except the David Bowie CD again, so there is no song of the day.

May 24, 2004- There is no song today because I didn't listen to anything good.

May 25, 2004- The song of the day is "February 4th" by Never Heard Of It". It's a good song and the lyrics are so freakin' cute, I can't help but love it.

May 26, 2004- I really need to listen to some good music tomorrow because, once again, I didn't hear anything good today. So, there's no song today.

May 27, 2004- No song again.

May 28, 2004- The song of the day is "Nothin'" by NORE. It's some hippy-hoppy song that came out, like, last year or something. My best friend and I were obsessed with it when it came out, for some strange reason. So, Nakkisha called me (like two minutes after she left my house) to tell me to turn the radio on some station. So I did and it was that song. I put it up really loud and we sang it to each other over the gay is that?!?

May 29, 2004- I am pleased to say that I listened to a buttload of good songs today. Ergo, there shall be three songs of the day today. They are "Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake, "Centerfold" by J. Geils Band, and "Tenderness" by General Public. I guess you can say it was '80s day today. We rocked out to those songs on the radio while driving around in P-Town.

May 30, 2004- The song today is "Paradise City" by Guns 'N Roses because it's awesome, duh!

May 31, 2004- This weekend, because of Memorial Day, the two local classic rock radio stations were doing countdowns of the top 500 classic rock songs of all time (according to online votes). Out of curiosity, I listened to the top few (ten or twenty) on each station and the number one song on BOTH countdowns was, not surprisingly, "Stariway To Heaven" by none other than Led Zeppelin! I was so excited, even though that's not one of their best songs. So, that is the song of the day. Oh yeah, it's also the song of the day because, if he were still alive, John Bonham (The best drummer of all time) would've turned fifty-six today. So, happy birthday, Bonzo!

June 1-4, 2004- I forgot to update this for these few days, so I guess there aren't any songs for these days.

June 5, 2004- Happy Birthday, Moms! It's my mom's birthday today, so the song of the day is "Birthday" by The Beatles because, even though I don't like it, we played it for her this morning and we danced like weirdos.

June 6, 2004- The song of the day is "Into The Mystic" by Van Morrison because it's so good. His voice is so perfect and the lyrics are amazing.

June 7, 2004- There is no song today because I drove around with Nakkisha and she doesn't listen to good music anymore. Everything I love, she turns off and everything I hate, she turns up really loud. Grrr...

June 8, 2004- Today's song is kind of random. It's the theme song to a skit on Saturday Night Live where Tracy Morgan sings, "Rocket. I'm taking a rocket. I'm packing my suitcase..." Yeah, it's retarded but I have it stuck in my head and that's the only thing decent I heard today.

June 9, 2004- The song today is "Born To Be Wild" by Steppenwolf. It kind of represents me well because I'm...not wild. Who am I kidding? I'm boring.

June 10, 2004- The Song of the day today is "The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy because it's really good. Some of the other songs on the "Jailbreak" album are better, but I only heard that song today.

June 11, 2004- Today's song is "City Country City" by War. It's such a great song. The way it changes back and forth between, what seems like, two different songs is so cool. I really like it.

June 12, 2004- The song today is "Sit Down I Think I Love You" by Buffalo Springfield. It's so good. The lyrics, the vocals, the composition, and the layering are all awesome. I love it.

June 13-23, 2004- No songs for these days. I suck.

June 24, 2004- The song of the day is "All I Want" by Denver Harbor. I just heard them today and I really like it. I want to see them live.

June 25, 2004- There's no song of the day. I'm too tired to think of one.

June 26, 2004- Today's song is "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen because it's so awesome. It encompasses everything that Queen was. It's nearly perfect.

June 27, 2004- The song of today is "D'yer Mak'er" by Led Zeppelin because it's the best song ever. Not really, but it's pretty damn close and it always makes me want to dance and puts me in a happy mood.

June 28, 2004- Happy Birthday, Michelle! The song of the day is "Free Ride" by Edgar Winter Group. He's creepy, but it's a good song.

June 29-30, 2004- No song these days because I suck ass!

July 1, 2004- I love music, but I have no recollection of what I listened to today. Dammit!

July 4, 2004- The song of the day is "L.A. Woman" by The Doors because it's awesome.

July 5, 2004- The song of the day is "Keep Yourself Alive" by Queen.

July 6, 2004- The song for today is "Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie because it's cool, fool.

July 7, 2004- The song of the day is "Reunited" by Peaches & Herb because Tina and Crystal talked out their problems and now we're all back together again. "Reunited and it feels so good."

July 8, 2004- Today's song is "Tired of Waiting" by the Kinks because it's cool.

July 9, 2004- The song today is "Express Yourself" by Charles Wright & The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band. It's a really cool, very soulful song.

July 10-12, 2004- Who even cares about my songs of the day?

July 13, 2004- For those of you who do care, the song of the day is "One" by U2 because my mom loves it and I agree with her that it's a really good song.

July 14-16, 2004- No songs for these days because I'm lame and I listen to the same thing over and over again every day. Maybe tomorrow.

July 17, 2004- The song of the day is "Young Lust" by Pink Floyd.

July 18, 2004- Today's song is "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplane. I don't know why, but about a week ago, they started playing this song almost every day.

July 19, 2004- The song today is "Foxey Lady" by Jimi Hendrix.

July 20, 2004- The song of the day is "China Girl" by David Bowie.

July 21, 2004- No song today.

July 22, 2004- Happy birthday, Tina!!! The song of the day is "The Joker" by The Steve Miller Band because I had a fun conversation about it that consumed a lot of my time and I like the song.

July 23, 2004- The song of the day is "Clarity" by John Mayer because I really like it. I like the gay wailing at the end of the song.

July 24, 2004- The song of the day is "iF U C Jordan" by Something Corporate because Tina and I listened to it today in her new car. And also because I ran into my friend from high school at the video store and her name is Jorden!

July 25-27, 2004- No song of the day. Boo hoo.

July 28, 2004- The song of the day is "Midnight Rider" by The Allmann Brothers Band.

July 29-August 1, 2004- None.

August 2, 2004- The song today is "What's Your Name" by Lynyrd Skynyrd because it makes me laugh and it's a cool song.

August 3, 2004- Today's song is "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green because I heard it three times today and I love it.

August 4-8, 2004- Too lazy.

August 9, 2004- The song of the day is "Drain You" by Nirvana because it's awesome.

August 10, 2004- Today's song is "Bleed American" by Jimmy Eat World.

August 11, 2004- The song today is "California Man" by Cheap Trick. It's quite the fun song.

August 12, 2004- Blah.

August 13, 2004- The song of the day is "" by Inverse because I saw them tonight and they were really good.

August 14, 2004- The song of the day today is "Minimum Wage" by Fenix TX because I went in the circle pit for the first time in my life while Fenix TX played that song. It was so awesome. I have a giant bruise on my arm because of it, but for four minutes I was in heaven.

August 15-18, 2004- No songs.

August 19, 2004- Today's song is "Daisy Duke" by Rooney. For some odd reason, I'm totally obsessed with that song.

August 20, 2004- No song today.

August 21, 2004- The song of the day is "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" by New Kids On The Block. My sister had a party tonight and we played that song really loud for all the boys to appreciate.

January 11, 2005- Wow, it's been a long ass time. The song of the day is "Swlabr" by Cream.

January 12, 2005- It's my 21st birthday today. The song of the day is "Strange Brew" by Cream. I don't care if Cream had the song of the day yesterday. It's my birthday, dammit! January 13, 2005- Today's song is "American Girl" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

January 15, 2005- The song for today is "Beat It" by Michael Jackson because we went to a pool hall and they played it on the jukebox three times. People are so predictable.

January 16, 2005- The song of the day is "L.A. Woman" by The Doors.

January 17, 2005- Today, the song is "Ohio" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young because I like them a lot and I feel really old for liking them.

January 14, 2005- Happy Valentine's Day! Today's song is "This Will Be Our Year" by The Zombies. As much as I love The Zombies, the real reason I love this song so much is because it's so Beach Boys.