ASAP is a club for those who love Sailor Moon. It is to promote the good things about the show, and hopefully make those who make Anti-Sailor Moon pages at least state their opinions in a more respectful manner. We are all for freedom of speech, as long as they don't violate others rights in the process. For example, saying you don't like Sailor Moon is okay, but saying that because someone else does like it they should drown in thier own blood, and then threaten them with email bombing is not okay. There will be more on this page soon. For now, there is more info below.
In other news, I've been getting a surprisingly large amount of flames. But the reason it's surprising is because the flamers keep flaming me about some "Anti-Sailor Moon page"! I have to keep telling them over and over, that I DON'T have a Sailor Moon hate page, or any other hate page. (Remember, this is NOT a hate page at all!) I just want to make it clear that: THIS PAGE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE SAILOR MOON. Okay, there, that's enough.
I finally got another review up, sorry to the person who sent it to me for taking so long! Plus, I'm such a baka... I've forgotten who sent this to me and their name isn't in the review. So if you wrote it, please tell me so I can give you credit. Okay?
Also, I am aware that Sailor Moon has been taken off the air again in the states. It also hasn't been showing in Canada, the YTV page simply says they don't have the information about the next air date. Anyway, all the 17 new episodes did air, and if you're dying to see them, or their original Japanese counterparts(which are WAY better), you can go to The Sailor Moon Merchandise Market. Here you can basically get all 17 of these episodes for $14.00 Canadian. That means if you're American it will only cost you about 10 bucks, depending on the exchange rate. Sorry for the spam if you didn't want to see it.
I've decided to give up on the member section, I haven't got enough time. I still have about 50 links too add, as well as about 20 logos that you guys have contributed. Sorry for the really long delay, guys!
And also, we now have well over 100 members! Wow! Thank you all who joined and support us, you're the best!
If you are a member, and you have a homepage, please take one of the
the logos below and post it on your page with a link to ours
( Thanx.
Disclaimer: This page was created to inform those ignorant SM haters, and NOT to flame the creators of the pages. We believe everyone has a right to their own opinion, however, the way some of these people express their opinions is through verbal abuse towards people they've never met. We at ASAP strive to stop such things on the internet, especially since young children have access to these pages. Sailor Moon is copyright of a bunch of big companies, and not us, so nobody sue us, please?