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Giancarlo Fisichella

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      l2.gif (1498 bytes)ike many before him, Giancarlo Fisichella’s introduction to motorsport came through karting. He was just eleven years old when he first took to the track, and his talent was evident straight away. Fisichella recorded twelve wins in the 1984 Italian 60cc Minikart Championship in his first season of competition.

      h2.gif (1952 bytes)e progressed straight to the 100cc Cadet series where the wins kept on coming. There were eight in 1985 - his first season, thirteen in 1986, and fourteen the following year when Giancarlo also added a Regional Championship crown to his growing lisy of credits.

      r2.gif (1775 bytes)emaining with the 100cc category in 1988, the young Roman was the Italian Team Champion and moved up to international competition for the first time. He recorded up twenty one wins that season, and recorded pole position at the 100cc karting World Championships.

      n2.gif (1779 bytes)ineteen eighty-nine brought further international success. Fisichella won the prestigious Hong Kong Grand Prix, was 2nd in the European Championship and narrowly failed to make it onto the rostrum at the World Championships, coming home in 4th place. After a further two seasons in karting, during which he recorded numerous further wins on his score-card, it was time to move into single-seaters.

      t2.gif (1471 bytes)he move came in 1992 with a drive in the Italian F3 Championship. Giancarlo became only the third driver in history to win a race in his first season in Italian F3, ending the year eightht overall. His progress continued in 1993 when he claimed the runner-up slot in the championship. Fisichella also took pole-position, and finished 2nd, in that year’s Monaco Grand Prix - a showcase for young driver talent.

      i2.gif (1357 bytes)f that did not bring Giancarlo’s skills to the attention of the motorsport fraternity, there was surely nobody who did not know his name by the end of 1994. It was a fantastic season. He recorded ten wins and 11 pole positions en-route to the Italian F3 Championship crown, and once again took pole position at the Monaco Grand Prix. This time he would claim top spot in the race too.

      a2.gif (1532 bytes)s a result of performances of that calibre Fisichella was signed-up by Giancarlo Minardi, owner of the Minardi F1 team, who offered him a testing contract for 1995. He dovetailed those testing duties with the role of Official driver for Alfa Romeo in the DTM/ITC.

      g2.gif (1737 bytes)iancarlo looked set to continue in a testing role last year, as financial requirements dictated that Minardi put a paying driver in the second seat alongside Pedro Lamy. However, at the last minut Takie Inoue failed to produce the required finance and so Giancarlo was asked to step in. He made his Grand Prix debut in Australia and took part in a further 8 races, recording his best finish in Canada where he came home 8th.

      s2.gif (1555 bytes)hortly after Giovanni Lavaggi came onto the scene with a much-needed injection of funds, so Minardi loaned his young charge to Alfa-Romeo with whom he contested the ITC Championship.

      n2.gif (1779 bytes)ow, Fisichella is poised for his first full season in Formula One. Keen not to hinder the progress of such a promising youngf talent, Giancarlo Minardi was instrumental in facilitating a move to B&H Jordan. After several months of speculation as to who would drive for the team alpongside Ralf Schumacher, the announcement came in early 1997 that Eddie Jordan had chosen the highly-acclaimed young Italian.

In Brief :
Giancarlo Fisichella born 14th January 1973 in Rome, Italy.
Single. Lives in Monaco.

1984-1988 Karting
1989 1st Hong Kong Kart Grand Prix
         2nd - European Kart Championship
         4th - World Kart Championship
1991 2nd- European Kart Championship
1992 Italian F3 Championship
1993  2nd - Italian F3 Championship
          3rd - Italian F3 Championship
1994 1st - Italian F3 Championship
         1st - Monaco F3 Grand Prix
1995 DTM/ITC with Alfa Romeo
         Test driver for Minardi F1
1996 F1 debut with Minardi at the Australian GP
ITC with Alfa Romeo

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