- The Soul Train : Interview, prestation of Quit playing games, Anywhere for you and As long as you love me.
- Fox News : Interview, prestation of As long as you love me A cappella.
- Tracy's day parade : Prestation of As long as you love me.
- E! : When they did the commercial of milk.
- E! : On the go out of Millennium, part of the press conference.
- Interview Fox : the same interview that on Pay Per View, but translate in spanish.
- Corazon Corazon : Interview about Millennium, prestation of I want it that way.
- TVE Interview : Interview, part of a concert.
- Grammy's post show : Press Conference after the Grammy's.
- Antena 3.
- Corazon Corazon
- E! : Stars Wars premiere, we see BSB enter.
- Commercial for Millennium
- TVE : After the saw the Stars Wars movie, they comments.
- Fans and BSB : Interviews with fans, television follow some fans, before, during and after a concert for see how is it.
- Musica si 99' : Interview, prestation of I want it that way a cappella and the music version.
- E! : The gossip show.
- Mi novio es un BSB : Howie acte with some girls.
- I'll never break your heart live in concert.
- PPV Comercials, but not the same we had here.
- E! : Basket Ball game (all the game) in Miamie with N'sync for "Children Need A Helping Hand"
- 16 magazine : really old, when they was young
- Carson Daily : Interview on the beach
- Saborti : report
- "T" : report
- Sorpresa Sorpresa '99 : Prestation of I'll never break your heart, I want it that way and Anywhere for you in spanish
- Antena 3 : when they arrived at Sorpresa Sorpresa, prestation of I want it that way a capella
- Report with fans, them on Musica Si
- Kapital : a man talk
- Report with them : they show some videos
- Report : fans follow them
- A man talk and show some part of interview
- Images from Musica Si, show the fans
- Report of the press conference and on the milk
- Sorpresa Sorpresa '97 : Prestation of Everybody Backstreet's Back, As long as you love me, Aaron in surprise for Nick