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Translated Interview With Nick Carter

Interview with 'NICK CARTER'

Where are you most happy?

"In two places. The first one is on stage during a concert. The second, is in the shower after a show!"

Do you ever get homesick?

"What I miss most is my mom's homemade dishes. Especially her soup! She makes the greatest soup in the world! It has chicken, mushrooms, plenty of vegetables...It's what I miss most."

When was the last time you cried?

"At the cinema! We were in Scotland, and we went to see 'Braveheart'. It's an incredible film, in which Wallace fights for his country, and takes revenge for the death of his wife. I cried when I saw Murran when she was killed. It was just too sad!"

What do you like to do best when you wish to relax?

"As soon as I get home from a show, then I love to take a long,long shower, and then I go to sleep. It never takes me long to get to sleep after a performance. Usually I'm so tired, I could fall asleep ANYWHERE!!!"

What's the most important thing to you in your life?

"The Backstreet Boys are my life! There, that's the most important thing! I guess it's 'coz we spend every day concentrating on our work, and we have so much fun! We're all very close, mainly because we spend so much time together."

Who do you have the most confidence in?

"My mom accompanies me when I'm on the road sometimes, and I have the most confidence in her. She knows me well, and sometimes she can read what's on my mind. I really like it when she comes. If not, in the group, I think the one that I have the most confidence in is A.J.

Do you carry a journal/Diary?

"No, I don't spend a lot of time writing. Instead, I draw a lot. I think that's how I show my feelings. I draw small comics that have to do with the group. We seem like super heroes, with plenty of adventure and unrealistic missions to accomplish."

Do you carry pictures of anyone when your on tour?

"I Carry pictures of my pets. Mostly my friends, family, and things from home. I can't bring all my personal stuff, the only thing I can't forget is my passport!!"

Today, who do you have the most love for?

"I love the Backstreet Boys- we're like brothers. I also love my family. It's tough to choose."

Where on this earth would you be in paradise?

"In the Florida Keys. We often took the boat to the islands. All my family would be there. I would play football with my brother and sisters. It was really cool!"

You're often distracted, what are you thinking about so much?

"My work, most of the time! When I close my eyes I see my day: what I've already done, and I go over what I have to do next."

What's the nicest thing somebody's done for you?

"The fans offer us gifts all the time. It's super to know people are thinking of you everywhere. Everyone we meet is always really cool with us. We sur eare lucky!"


Translated from French to English by Leila. This is from the magazine 'Super'
