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6X12 One Son

Écrit par: Frank Spotnitz & Chris Carter
Réalisé par: Rob Bowman
Première Diffusion au Canada: 14 Février 1999


RÉSUMÉ: Mulder apprend la vérité sur la conspiration gouvernementale sur les extra-terrestres responsable pour l'enlèvement de sa soeur. Cependant, Scully et lui font face à un autre dilemme: Que vont-ils faire avec cette nouvelle connaissance.

LIEU: Inconnu
DATE: Février 1999


(Désolé, je n'ai pas traduit le synopsis temporaire de l'épisode de ce soir car je ne veux pas savoir ce qui se passe. Un synopsis beaucoup plus long et détaillé fait par moi cette fois-ci sera rajouté dans quelque temps.)

One Son In opening scenes of the episode, we see the Elders on October 13, 1973, in a giant hangar. The hangar doors open and many grey aliens enter. They are presented a folded US flag.

In Mulder's apartment, Mulder has his gun aimed at Cassandra, but the door bursts open and several men dressed in biocontainment suits enter, saying they are with the Centers for Disease Control. Diana Fowley is also there, claiming that they have been infected with an unknown disease. They are taken to Fort Marlene where they go through decontamination procedures. Cassandra is kept seperate from Mulder and Scully. Diana tells them that the CDC was called by agent Spender. Scully argues that nobody is infected and wants to see Cassandra. She is suspended from the FBI, however, and cannot see Cassandra. Scully thinks Cassandra has been taken to continue the experiments. Mulder thinks she was taken because "she is the one."

Krycek reports to the Smoking Man that he has recovered all of Cassandra's medical records and concludes that the rebels struck because if the Colonists find out about her, they will begin the colonization. The Smoking Man says maybe we need to let colonization begin -- it's the only way for us to be safe and see our loved ones again. At Fort Marlene, Mulder sneeks through the halls and in a darkened room finds Marita Covarubius. Her hair is in ratty and she is far from her usual elegant appearance. She says if "they" find her with Mulder they will kill her. She has been subjected to terrible tests -- infected with the black oil to test the vaccine. Mulder realizes that the hybrid program was done in cooperation with the aliens, but was just a way of buying time. If the aliens learn that a successful hybrid exists, they will begin the colonization.

Jeffrey and Diana visit Cassandra Spender at Fort Marlene. Jeffrey had her taken into medical isollation to protect her (apparently not realizing what fans know, that Fort Marlene is a stronghold of the Consortium.) Cassandra says the Consortium must get her, or everyone dies. Meanwhile, Mulder is summoned to the office of the Lone Gunmen. Scully has had them research Diana Fowley. She took a position in Europe with the FBI counter-terrorism unit but there are no records of her cases. Other sources show that she spent her time visiting every MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) chapter, showing particular interest in female abduction vistims. She also visited Tunesia weekly. Scully thinks she's monitoring the abduction experiments. Mulder says he is not convinced.

Mulder, however, goes to see Diana. She is not home so he picks her lock and searches her apartment, finding nothing incriminating. While he is there, the Smoking Man enters, and Mulder holds him at gunpoint. He came looking for his son, who has chosen the wrong side. Mulder counters that Jeffrey isn't the one experimenting on women without their permission. CSM says Bill Mulder was against it, but came to his senses and gave up Samantha. The Project was approved by majority vote in 1973, and became an organization outside of any government. They voted to cooperate with the aliens and the aliens insisted that they turn over their children and loved ones, including Cassandra. They were sent with the aliens on the promise that they would be returned when the colonization began. The choices, CSM says, were not made lightly. Samantha was abducted from her home because Bill Mulder resisted, but the only way to get the alien fetus was for Samantha to also be taken. The DNA from the alien fetus was the only way to develop a race of hybrids that could survive the holocaust. Bill Mulder's idea was to use the alien DNA to develop a vaccine. "We've succeeded in spite of ourselves," says CSM. Colonization will now begin.

Mulder argues that it has to be stopped or everyone dies. CSM makes clear to Mulder they they will both survive and that Fox can see his sister returned, or die in vain like the rest of the world. He urges Mulder to "save her, save yourself," and leaves the apartment without objection from Mulder. Meanwhile, Jeffrey arrives at the meeting place of the Elders in New York. Only Krycek is there, and he says they have all left for West Virginia where they will be prepared to receive the alien genes and be taken by the Colonists. The doctors enter Cassandra's room to begin her for transportation, injecting her with a drug to immobilize her. CSM is there and he and Cassandra talk privately. She calls him the biggest bastard of all and he does not defend himself, except to say that were it not for his actions everyone would be dead. He ordered the abductions to save her and Jeffrey. She pleads with him to kill her, to stop the colonization, but he cannot.

Mulder is still in Diana Fowley's apartment when she returns. He tells her about his conversation with CSM and says sometimes the only way those you love can survive is for you to give up. Diana has no reaction, other than to kiss and hug him. Meanwhile, Jeffrey finds his mother gone from Fort Marlene. Marita finds him and says they are packing everything up. They are going to leave and not take her, but she tells Spender she knows where they are going and how they will take Cassandra there and she begs him to help her. A doctor enters the room where the original alien fetus is kept in liquid oxygen, in order to prepare it for transportation. A nurse enters -- she is a rebel and kills the doctor, taking the fetus and assuming the identity of the doctor.

Mulder and Scully talk by phone. He wants to take Scully to West Virginia, presumably to get her included in the group that is saved. She, however, has learned from Spender where Cassandra is, in the Potomic Yards where she will be transported by train. Mulder sends Diana on ahead to West Virginia and goes to meet Scully, because it is their last chance to stop the colonization. The train is already rolling when they get there. Scully, driving, blocks the rails with their car, but the train wrecks the car and continues unstopped. Skinner arrives and Mulder and Scully tell him they must head for El Rico Air Force Base, in West Virginia. In the giant hangar at the air force base, CSM arrives and notes that there are still people missing. The first Elder says they are waiting to send the signal summoning the colonists until everyone has arrived.

One person missing is Alex Krycek, who is at Fort Marlene. He discovers the dead doctor and that the alien fetus has been taken by rebels. In the hall, he finds Jeffrey and Marita. They can't get out because the security guards will not recognize Jeffrey's authority to remove a patient. Krycek says it is all going to hell and that the rebels are going to win. Diana arrives at the hangar. An alien ship arrives, but the Elders are puzzled because they have not yet sent the signal. Rebels rush into the hangar and surround the Elders and their families, but CSM and Diana are to the side and quickly escape as we hear screams from the remaining humans.

Later, back at the FBI, Assistant Director Kersh is horrified at the pictures of the burned victims at El Rico AFB. Skinner is also in the meeting. Spender says he might have prevented the deaths. Agents Mulder and Scully might also have prevented the deaths, he points out, if they had not been suspended. Spender says he was wrong to bring charges against Mulder and Scully, and urges that the two assistant directors do everything they can to get Mulder and Scully back on the X-Files. Kersh asks Mulder if he has answers and Mulder says that he has had answers for years but nobody would listen. The future is here and all bets are off. Later, in the X-Files office, Jeffrey arrives to clean out his things and finds CSM waiting for him, holding the picture of himself and Bill Mulder from 1973. CSM says Bill Mulder was a good man, but he betrayed CSM. Jeffrey says he knows enough about his father to hate him. CSM draws his gun and fires at Jeffrey, then saddly leaves the office.


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