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7X05 Millennium

Écrit par: Vince Gilligan & Frank Spotnitz
Réalisé par:
Première Diffusion au Canada: 28 Novembre 1999


RÉSUMÉ: Mulder et Scully reçoivent l'aide de l'ex-agent du FBI Frank Black pour enquêter une série de meurtres ritualistiques qui semble être liée au Groupe Millennium.

LIEU: Frederick County, Maryland
DATE: du 11 au 31 Décembre 1999


À des funérailles, un homme, M. Johnson, reste après que la veuve du décédé soit partie. Le mort est un homme qui a commis un suicide. Johnson ouvre le cercueil et change sa chamise contre celle que porte celle du cadavre. Il place ensuite un cellulaire dans le cercueil. Huit jours plus tard, Johnson, stationné devant le cimetière, attend. Le cellualire sonne et il sort de son véhicule avec une pelle.

On December 30, Scully arrives at the cemetary. Mulder is in the grave hole, which is now open. They are investigating because the dead man was "one of their own," an FBI agent. Mulder finds that the lining of the casket is shredded and the dead man's finger prints are on the inside of the casket and on the headstone. It looks like someone was trying to get out but the rain didn't leave much evidence. Scully thinks the evidence is rigged. Around the grave there is a circle of blood. At a later staff meeting in Skinner's office, Mulder says it looks like necromancy, the attempt to summon the dead to divulge ritual knowledge and perform mystic tasks. After the meeting, Skinner shows Mulder and Scully the snake eating it's own tail symbol of the Millennium Group. Mulder and Scully describe the group as composed of former FBI agents who fell out of favor. They were actually an end of times cult. The group disbanded several months ago, but the blood circle around the grave looks like the symbol the group used. Skinner shows the agents information on three other similar grave robbing and desecration incidents in the last six months. He sends Mulder and Scully to investigate the Millennium Group.

They go to a mental institution where Frank Black checked himself in for a 30 day observation. Mulder knows him by reputation - Frank was in the same violent crimes unit as Mulder, before Mulder was assigned to it. The agents tell Frank that they can't find any info about the group, its membership and practices. Frank admits that he knows who the four dead agents were but he declines to help - he's trying to put his life back together. Mulder points out that tomorrow, the 31st, is a significant date for the group which doesn't leave much time.

In rural Maryland, Johnson has a flat tire and a deputy stops to help. The deputy smells something then notices flies in the vehicle. He searches and finds the body, which activates and kills the Deputy. The next day, December 31, at the scene of the deputy's death, Mulder concludes that the Necromancer was there - there is salt, which is heavy magic, on the ground in a protective circle, just large enough for one person to stand inside. Nearby the deputy's body is found with a note inside the mouth and the mouth fastened shut with large staples. The note is a quotation from Revelations. "I am he that was dead and lives again."

The agents go back to Frank. Scully understands he is afraid of losing his daughter - he is in a custody battle with the parents of his dead wife. He resists, but Mulder asks for just a little clue. Frank tells them that the Group believed the time of revelations was on us. These four died in order to be returned to life as the Four Horsemen, in order to force the end of times. They believe it must begin at the dawn of the millennium. They sought out the Necromancer who believes he is doing God's work. Frank doesn't tell them who the Necromancer is, but profiles him for them. When the Necromancer realizes the deputy has been found he will take action and return to the body, Frank says. Mulder concludes that catching the four horsemen is more important than finding the Necromancer.

Scully points out that the end of the millennium is actually a year away and this is an artificial deadline. Mulder brushes off the argument and says he thinks the deputy was killed near the Necromancer's home. Mulder asks Scully to make sure that the staples are left in the deputy's mouth. At the morgue, the doctor removes the staples from the deputy's mouth and finds the mouth filled with salt. She removes it. Scully arrives to find the morgue dark. Blood near the phone leads to the injured doctor. Johnson appears and then the Deputy. Scully fires her gun at the deputy's chest but the deputy doesn't stop and attacks her. Later, Skinner arrives. The doctor is being taken away on a stretcher. The deputy's body is on the floor with gunshots to his chest and one to his head. Scully, who is injured, says the deputy attacked her. Johnson fired the shot into the deputy's head and saved her, but Johnson got away, since Scully was in no condition to chase him. Skinner and Scully are now concerned about Mulder, who is not answering his cell phone.

Mulder is checking residences near the scene of the deputy's death, one by one. He is out of cell phone service range. He pulls up at Johnson's. The gate is locked so he checks the trash and finds an empty salt sack. He climbs the gate. Johnson is not home. Mulder enters the basement through a door that had been locked. Bodies under the dirt floor rise up and attack him. Johnson, who has arrived home, seals the door shut as Mulder fires his gun again and again.

Frank still won't help Scully, although she is more and more concerned about Mulder. Frank has spent years trying to unravel the belief of the Group. In spite of her disbelief, Scully asks if the Group can they really bring about the end of times. Frank still won't answer her questions, but after she leaves he checks himself out of the institution. Later, Skinner contacts Scully with phone records showing that Frank has been called repeatedly from a Rice County, Maryland, phone number.

Frank arrives at the home of Johnson who says, "We'd given up on you." It becomes clear that Frank was originally intended to be one of the four horsemen. Johnson says that Mulder has killed one of the four with a shot to the head. Now that Frank is there, he can still hill himself and be brought back to life to be the fourth. Frank didn't want to be involved, but now that he knows Johnson has succeeded with the necromancy, Frank can't remain uninvolved. Johnson says there is no justice in this world but there will be in the next. Frank surprises Johnson by pulling a gun on him and tying him up. Frank then goes to the basement. Mulder is wounded and says that a shot to the head stops them. The remaining three backed off when Mulder killed the first one. Frank drops flares and in the light shoots another. As he helps Mulder up from the floor, the third attacks Frank and they struggle. Mulder grabs gun and shoots, saving Frank but the last horseman attacks Frank and the gun is empty. Scully fires from the basement steps, killing the last one.

On New Year's eve, Frank, Mulder and Scully are at the hospital where Mulder's arm is now in a sling. Frank also has some bandages over his wounds. Johnson is under suicide watch. Scully brings Frank's daughter, Jordan, to see him, and Frank says goodbye. It is midnight and Dick Clark is on television as The Millennium Ball drops in Time Square.

L'horloge sonne minuit. Mulder regarde Scully, qui écoute toujours la télévision. Il fixe surtout ses lèvres. Lorsqu'elle se retourne, Mulder la prend dans ses bras et l'embrasse. Après une dizaine de secondes, les lèvres se séparent et les deux agents se sourient.

Mulder: Il semble que la fin du monde n'a pas eu lieu.
Scully: Non, cela n'a pas eu lieu.

Mulder met son bras autour de Scully et les deux s'en vont.