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7X18 Hollywood A.D.

Écrit par: David Duchovny
Histoire #: E00814
Réalisé par: David Duchovny
Première diffusion au Canada: 30 Avril 2000


RÉSUMÉ: Un producteur hollywoodien suit une enquête de Mulder et Scully sur la mort d'un personnage illustre des années soixante pour se documenter pour un film en production mettant en vedette Tea Leoni dans le rôle de Scully et Garry Shandling dans le rôle de Mulder.

LIEU: Hollywood, Californie
DATE: Printemps 2000


A man runs through a graveyard. Another man, wearing what appears to be a kind of priest's outfit, shouts, "Give it up Mulder, my sniper zombies are everywhere." He tells Mulder to give him the Lazarus Bowl and he will release Scully, who he is holding captive. WE see, however, that it is not Mulder but actor Gary Shandling. Scully is not Scully but Tea Leoni. "Mulder" stands and holds the bowl above his head. He orders the man to release Scully or he will break the bowl and send all the zombies go back to being corpses. A zombie tries to talk him out of breaking the bowl, but "Mulder" tosses it up and there is a scuffle, at the end of which "Mulder" and "Scully" roll down an embankment and find themselves in each other's arms. "Mulder" confesses that he loves "Scully" and they kiss. We see that it is a movie. Mulder and Scully are in the audience, as is Skinner. The agents are astounded and revolted. Skinner is really enjoying it.

Some weeks earlier, at a staff meeting at the FBI, Mulder, Scully and Skinner are talking about a case - a bomb exploded in a crypt below the church of Cardinal O'Fallon, a man considered to be a candidate to be the first American pope. A filmmaker is observing the meeting and making notes into recorder. Wayne Fetterman is an old friend of Skinner and is writing a movie about the FBI - he just wants a taste of the procedural flavor. His idea is kind of a Silence of the Lambs meets Greatest Story Ever Told." He Goes along with Mulder to talk with the Cardinal while Scully remains behind to do some paperwork for Skinner. O'Fallon says the bomb went off in a crypt under the church where spiritual items and relics are stored. Mulder thinks it's a simple terrorist act. While the three of them are in the crypt, a cell phone goes off, but is none of their phones. Mulder finds it under some rocks with a body. The cell phone ID says it is Micah Hoffman - a 1960s counter culture movement activist. Scully joins them and they visit Hoffman's apartment where they find a bomb-making workshop. He was a master potter as well as a master calligrapher. Apparently he was writing documents and artificially aging them. They find what appears to be a lost gospel and an account of Christ's live on Earth after the resurrection. What might O'Fallon be doing with Hoffman's forgeries? Mulder and Fetterman return to the crypt. They find what appears to be another copy of the same gospel. Maybe the one at the apartment was a draft? Fetterman gets a call and wanders off. He sees bones and skeleton parts moving on their own, almost as if in a dance.

Later, at a coffee shop, Scully tells Fetterman it was dark and his eyes were playing tricks on you. He is ready to leave, however, because he has his procedural flavor and is ready to write his movie. He tells them that Mulder is crazy for believing what he believes and Scully is crazy for not believing what Mulder believes. Scully says his story reminds her of the Lazarus Bowl a story told by a nun she knew when she was young. The nun, known as "Sister Spooky" said that when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, an old woman nearby was making a pottery bowl and Christ's words were recorded in the clay and that the words still have the power to raise the dead. Scully takes a clay bowl found in Hoffman's apartment to Chuck Burkes. He has a device that can detect vibrations in the clay and it produces a remarkable sound. Mulder talks with O'Fallon who reads some of the Greek text on the scroll about Jesus. O'Fallon thought they were real when he bought them from Hoffman. He bought them to hide the radical information they contained. Mulder concludes that Hoffman was blackmailing O'Fallon, who is his suspect in Hoffman's murder. He sends Scully to Hoffman's autopsy because he thinks Hoffman might have already been dead when placed in the crypt. Fetterman calls Mulder from California to ask Mulder who he wants to play him in the movie. Fetterman suggests Gary Shandling and Tea Leoni to play Mulder and Scully. Skinner has been feeding information to him and he is writing about the Lazarus Bowl. Meanwhile, Scully is doing the autopsy and Hoffman wakes up - but she looks away for a moment and he is back on the pallet. Did it really happen?

Mulder arrives at the morgue. Scully reports that there was wine and poison in Hoffman's stomach. O'Fallon may have poisoned him. They go to the church and while they wait for a service to end, Scully has a vision of Hoffman on the cross. As they begin to arrest O'Fallon, Hoffman walks in, completely alive and healthy. Later, Skinner blows up at them for misidentifying the body. O'Fallon and the church could bring a huge lawsuit. They are put on administrative leave and are off the case. Chuck, however, has found something in the pottery - an Aramaic voice, apparently of one man commanding another to rise from the dead. They go to talk to Hoffman. He had the choice to go to law school or continue to fight the system by forging historical documents. He targeted O'Fallon for his worldview. Hoffman studied the life of Christ in detail but something weird came over him - he experienced conversion. He was no longer impersonating Christ - he had become him. He blew up the crypt because the forgeries were blasphemous. How did his cell phone get left there? "God works in mysterious ways," he answers.

Scully comes to Mulder's apartment. He is watching a bad movie and thinking about the case. Scully asks is it at all possible that Hoffman really is Christ? No, Mulder says, but crazy people can be persuasive. As zombies walk on the screen, Scully wonders of true faith is a kind if insanity. They decide to accept Fetterman's offer to go to Hollywood to watch the movie being filmed during their suspension. They arrive at Stage 8, 20th Century Fox. They find the graveyard set that we saw in the opening of the episode being prepared. They are introduced to Tea and Gary. "How do you run in these things?" Tea asks Scully. Shandling asks, "Do you dress to the left or the right?" Mulder isn't sure what he means. They watch takes. Later, they are each in bathtubs in their respective rooms talking by phone about zombies and their case. Skinner calls Mulder and apologizes - he's in the same hotel in his own tub - Fetterman got him Assistant producer credit. Scully tells Mulder that Tea has a crush on Mulder. Shandling likes him too, she adds.

At the screening, during the love scene..."Scully" confesses that she is in love with Assistant Director Skinner. Mulder walks out. Outside in the graveyard set, Mulder is sitting, eating the rest of his popcorn. Scully finds him. She got a message from Washington - Hoffman was killed by O'Fallon who then hanged himself. Skinner was so tickled by the movie that he gave Scully a bureau credit card to use for the evening. They walk off chuckling. Mulder leaves his pottery popcorn bowl (that has a label "made in Israel") behind and corpses rise out of the ground, dance, and enjoy themselves as they would have in life.


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