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8X03 Redrum

Écrit par: Steve Maeda & Daniel Arkin
Réalisé par: Peter Markle
Première diffusion nord-américaine: 10 Décembre 2000


RÉSUMÉ: Lorsque Martin Wells, un avocat, est accusé du meutre de sa femme, Scully et Doggett essaient de l'aider à découvrir pourquoi il commence à vivre sa vie à l'envers un jour à la fois tandis qu'il essaie de prouver son innocence pour éviter une fin ultime.

LIEU: Baltimore, Maryland
DATE: 4 au 8 décembre 2000


Scully: Vous voulez que je dise le officiellement? Laissez-moi vous dire officiellement que j'ai vu des choses que je n'ai pas pu expliquer. J'ai observé des phénomènes que je ne peux nier. Et étant une scientifique et une personne sérieuse, cela vaut une insigne d'honneur de ne pas nier ces choses complètement parce que les autres pensent que cela ne vaut pas de la marde.

8X02 WITHOUT Scully se tient là, regardant pour quelques moments, et progresse dans l'entrée. Elle regarde tout autour d'elle, les pensées se bousculant dans son esprit. Elle entre dans une pièce et s'approche de lit, prenant dans ses mains une des chemises froissées de Mulder. Touchant la chemise, comme si elle essaie de créer une connexion avec Mulder lui-même. Un geste non caractéristique pour elle. Ses yeux se dirigent vers le lit défait de Mulder, fixant. Et tandis que Scully s'étend sur son ventre, sa tête reposant doucement sur l'un des oreillers, tenant la chemise entre ses mains, son visage à moitié enfouie dans l'oreiller, se demandant exacetement la source de sa mélancolie, ses yeux désolés se ferment. 8X03 REDRUM

On Friday, December 8, Baltimore prosecutor Martin Wells is in jail. His face is wounded. A guard enters and tells him it is time to go. As Wells is escorted out, Scully and Doggett are there and Doggett clearly knows Wells. As Wells is taken outside through a crowd of reporters, and a man pulls a gun and shoots Wells. As Wells lies there, given emergency care by Scully, he sees Scully's wristwatch stop and begin moving backwards.

On Thursday, December 7, Wells awakes in jail. He is surprised that he is not wounded. Scully and Doggett enter. Wells doesn't understand what is going on. Scully shows him a magnetic key card from Wells' apartment building, found in a dumpster. Wells is taken to Baltimore circuit court for a hearing. He is charged with murdering his wife. Wells' father-in-law is there - he is the man we saw shoot Wells. Wells slowly understands that it is not Saturday, but Thursday. He knows the judge on a first name basis, but the judge feels compelled by the facts of the case to deny bail. When he orders Wells moved to a more secure facility to protect him from being harmed by other prisoners he has prosecuted, Wells claims that if he is transferred, his father in law will kill him.

Wells talks with Scully and Doggett and tries to explain what is happening to him. Wells remembers nothing of the last three days, but can offer no evidence. Later, alone in his cell, he has brief visions of the murder, but nothing clear. Wells children, two young girls, are brought to see him by their nanny, Trina. "Grandpa says they won't let you come home," they say. He asks for a child's doll from his home - it has a "nanny cam" in it that is activated by motion. He and his attorney play the tape. They find his wife on the tape - and see Martin, also.

Wells wakes up on Wednesday, December 6. Wells is taken to an interview room to talk with his family attorney, who introduces his defense attorney. Wells realizes that it is, again, a day earlier. His face is no t wounded. The attorneys tell Wells that police have not been able to find the key card, and as a result, they have a weak case. Later in the jail exercise yard, another prisoner who Wells prosecuted accosts him. A third prisoner who has a spider web tattoo on his hand beats him. Scully and Doggett come to see him - from their perspective it is the first time they have talked. Wells attempts to explain. Every morning he wakes up it is the day before. He doesn't remember the day his wife was killed because for him it hasn't happened yet. Doggett walks out in disgust. As Scully leaves, she suggests that maybe Wells already has the answer within him. Wells reviews the evidence files. He is taunted again by another prisoner. It is painful for him, but he looks at the pictures of his dead wife, and has another vision of the events. He sees the spider tattoo and now knows who killed his wife.

On Tuesday, December 5, Wells wakes up at Doggett's home. The news is reporting his wife's death and the search for the key card. Wells describes the man and Doggett calls the Baltimore city jail. No prisoner is there with that description - he must not have been arrested yet. Wells and Doggett go to the Wells home and retrieve the nanny cam. There is nobody on the tape between his wife and the police. The sun in a window shows that when Wells is seen on the tape, the sun is wrong for Wells to be the murderer. Wells explains that there was a remote control on the nanny cam - their housekeeper, Trina, knew about it. They go to her home and the man with the spider web hand is there and Doggett arrests him after a scuffle. The man had threatened the housekeeper and Trina is so scared that she will not testify. Wells talks with the man alone. Wells prosecuted his brother for possession of drugs and got him jailed for life. The man accuses Wells of withholding evidence that could have exonerated his brother, in order to get an easy conviction. The brother later hung himself in his jail cell. Although the man, in effect, admitted his guilt to Wells, nobody else heard it and Wells is arrested because police feel that they have a case against him.

On Monday, December 4, Wells awakes up at 2:08 am in a Washington DC hotel room. He tries to call his wife, but gets an answering machine. It is two hours to the murder. He goes to Doggett's and asks for help - they haven't seen each other for three years. Wells thinks he has been given a second chance. He telephones Baltimore police but they thought he was a crackpot. He asks Doggett to call police using his FBI status and ask that they go to the Wells residence. Wells doesn't wait for Doggett to complete the call and hurries home to Baltimore. Police are already at the apartment when he arrives, but Vickie is not there. It is a few minutes past the murder time. The officers say they will sweep the neighborhood, and leave. Wells calls his father in law - Vickie is not there. Vickie arrives home and Wells is agitated -- they have to get out of there right now. Before they can leave, the murderer enters and he and Wells fight. Knocking Wells down, the man grabs Vickie. As he is about to slit her throat, he is Doggett who enters with Scully. Wells sees Scully's wristwatch -- the second hand is frozen, but then it begins moving forward again.

Three months later, at the penitentiary, Wells is in prison. A narration by Wells makes clear that he has confessed that he withheld evidence and this time he has been jailed as the result of his own action, having been given the second chance.


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