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8X06 Invocation

Écrit par: David Amann
Réalisé par:Richard Compton
Première diffusion nord-américaine: 3 Décembre 2000


RÉSUMÉ: Les agents Scully et Doggett enquêtent sur la réapparition d'un jeune garçon enlevé dix ans auparavant qui est retourné à sa famille sans avoir vieilli d'une journée tandis que Doggett prend un intérêt personnel pour l'enquête.

LIEU: Dexter, Michigan
DATE: 23 septembre 2000


At an outdoor elementary school fair in Dexter, Oklahoma, in 1990, children play, ride on a pony carousel and have fun. A boy on a swing calls to his Mom to watch him, but she is talking with a friend. When Mom looks again, the boy is gone from the swing. She looks, calling to him in distress, but can't find him. A young man has been watching the boy, and is seen to dispose of the child's backpack.

Ten years later -- Mrs. Underwood arrives at school and her son, Josh, tells her "they are looking for you." Several men in suits are standing near the swings. They separate and she sees her first son, Billy, in the swing. He is no older then he was when he disappeared and will not speak. Scully and Doggett arrive to investigate. There was never even a suspect in Billy's disappearance. He is healthy and seven years old. Billy's parents want to take him home, but Doggett goes in to talk with Billy first. Doggett tells Billy he's talked with many children who have been hurt. Sometimes the hurt starts to go away when you start talking about it. Doggett asks about the man who took Billy and shows him the backpack. Billy reaches for the backpack but Doggett holds onto the backpack, asking for the name first. Mrs. Underwood intervenes and takes Billy away. Doggett continues to insist that Billy can help the investigation.

At the Underwood home, the family dog, a German Sheppard named Sparky, becomes agitated around Billy. At the hospital, Scully concludes that Billy is the same boy who was taken, with no evidence of even the slightest medical changes from his last medical examination ten years ago. Scully cites X-Files of alien abductions. Doggett gains access to juvenile records of the young man, a high school dropout named Ronnie Pernell, who was questioned and released ten years ago. At Billy's home at night, Billy leaves his bed and hears his parents talking about him. Josh is afraid of Billy. Billy enters Josh's room carrying a knife.

Doggett approaches the mobile home where Ronnie lives. Pernell drives up as he is there. Pernell remembers being questioned about Billy. Doggett wants to take him to see Billy now and "see what Billy says." Pernell wants to be left alone. Back in his car, Doggett takes a photograph of a young boy out of his wallet and contemplates it. Mrs. Underwood finds Josh - the knife is stuck in the bed and there is blood, but Josh is OK. Investigation shows that the blood is Billy's, although neither child was not cut. The parents have never seen the knife before. Scully thinks that Billy should be removed from the household so that he can be observed. Doggett, however, thinks Billy should stay at home. The knife has a symbol on it that was identified by a police psychic ten years ago during the investigation. Scully recognizes the symbol immediately as a shape Billy has been drawing. It has five lines radiating out from a central point in a star shape. Mom gently asks Billy to help them understand what he is going through. She wants him to see a child psychologist, but as Dad begins to back the family van out of the driveway, Billy is suddenly not in the van anymore. He is upstairs in Josh's room.

Ronnie leaves his girlfriend's trailer home. Another boyfriends drives up and hassles Ronnie. Ronnie walks through the woods. He digs with a spade that is buried under leaves and finds a human skull. At the Underwood home, Scully and Doggett bring in the psychic, Sharon Pearle. When she meets Billy she gets an immediate impression of powerful forces working through Billy and drawing him to his brother. She also feels a force, coming through Doggett. He lost someone just like Billy. The psychic convulses and the star mark appears on her forehead. An ambulance takes Sharon away. Scully asks Doggett about what she said. He thinks it was an act. Scully taped the psychic readings and when she plays the tape backwards, you can hear a child singling. Ronnie is threatened by another boyfriend of his girlfriend, who says he knows what Ronnie has buried in the woods. Ronnie drives to the Underwood residence where Scully and Doggett observe him arrive. Suddenly Billy is in the car with Ronnie. Doggett approaches the car to find out what Ronnie is doing there and sees Billy in the car, assuming a kidnapping. Ronnie drives off and Scully, in the agent's car pursues, soon stopping Ronnie's car. Doggett runs up. Ronnie gets out of the car but Billy is not there. Ronnie can't explain it. Meanwhile, Josh is on the Underwood's van with his dad, who goes into a gas station to pay. Josh sees a man leading a pony to a horse trailer and walks over to see the pony. He reaches into the trailer and someone grabs his hands and holds him.

Ronnie is questioned at the police station. Doggett is convinced that Billy was in the car, even though he was also known to be in his home at the time. Police report to the agents that Josh has disappeared. Doggett questions Ronnie again, who says he knows what Doggett is going to ask, but he has no answer. He went to the house because he didn't believe that Billy was there. Ronnie claims that he took care of Billy and sang to him, so he wouldn't be afraid. Doggett asks more questions. What was Billy afraid of? Is Ronnie a victim too?

Police, including Scully and Doggett, raid the home of the operator of the pony carousel that night. We see that the star symbol is the shape of the pony carousel and also the logo of the pony business. Josh is found, tied up but safe. The owner runs and Doggett chases him. We see that it is Ronnie's girlfriends other boyfriend. When Doggett stops him, the man denies that he has Billy Underwood. Billy appears and then disappears and Doggett finds the skull in the ground.

Scully says that the clothes, age and condition of the bones makes clear that the body is Billy's and she is sure that the forensic tests will reach the same conclusion. Doggett can't accept that it is justice from beyond the grave. Scully says not everything can be explained. Josh is safe, she says, and at least Doggett succeeded in that goal, whether Doggett can accept it or not.


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