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"In all the land, were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren." - Job 42:15

This site is honoring the members of Bethel No. 127 of Bakersfield, California

We are sorry to inform everyone that Bethel No. 127 did in fact merge with
Bethel No. 200 of Bakersfield.

They are getting ready to begin their first term, after summer, as
Bethel No. 327 of Bakersfield.
Bethel 327's site

Thank you for everyone's support and love for the order.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Please sign our Guestbook!
If you would like to contact me or the new bethel, just email!

Thank you for your continued support!

WebMistress: Candice Baker PHQx2
Last updated: September 15, 1999
Since March 5, 1998, you are visitor #