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~*~AziAn pRyDe~*~

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HÎ PÈêPz...DΧ Χ mY ÃzÎÃñ P®YdÈ SêÇtÎÖñ...ÎF ¥Öü hÃvê @Ñ¥ SüGgȧTÎõѧ õR ÎDêç...TêLL mÈ...ThÃñxZ.... Peepz...don't get offended by anything here..k? guess if ur not azian..i recommend u leave..cuz there iz sum offending stuff in here..and i dont wanna offend ur not pretty sure ur gonna get u should jus leave rite now...if u choose to stay and read anything..den read at ur own risk..please please please dont get mad at us..thanxz..=)
Tha Asian Way
AziAn PryDe PoEm
AziAn BiLLaRdZ
YoU kNo uR AziAn iF...
AziAn RePrEsEnTiN pOeM
u KnO yOur A ReaL AziAn WhEN..
AsiAn inVaSiAn
ProVe DoUbTeRz wRoNg
[MaiN| OuR 411| OuR ChAt| cLuBz| AziAn PrYdE| Pictures| OuR sHoUtOuTz| PoEmS| AniMe sHiTz| OuR RiNgZ| SiGn AnGeLa's GuEsTbOok| SiGn TiFf's GuEsTbOok| ViEw AnGeLa's GuEsTbOoK| ViEw TiFf's GuEsTbOoK| LiNkZ ]
