Leonie's Lyric Page This is a cool page with many lyrics on it so if you're looking for words to a song, check here!
Idiots Calling all idiots! All aboard on the Idiot Express! Next stop: How to keep an idiot busy
RealAudio This is a cool page with lots and lots of songs for RealAudio! It'z like Romeo and Juliet, hot sex on a plattah just to get you wet, you'z about to get in something you will neva regret, and its gonna be da bomb, this is wut I bet, yep!
For all u peepz who alwayz ask wut modus iz.....go to Dave's site...and you'll get an idea of what Modus iz all about...but, of course...you'll never understand da splendors of Morada unless you experience it urself...=*(