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Here are sum linkz..

Cool Places around da web

This site is for all you otakus out there! Check it out, it's pretty cool. Go download all the little anime computer toy thingy majigerz...

For all da Buffy fans out there....=),click on da pix to go to the buffy page

Click on the picture to go to the titanic site

hehhe..SoUtHpArK FaNz cLiCk HeRe!!
Azian Avenue
dis is a great site...i luv their cards...=)
Leonie's Lyric Page
This is a cool page with many lyrics on it so if you're looking for words to a song, check here!
Calling all idiots! All aboard on the Idiot Express! Next stop: How to keep an idiot busy
This is a cool page with lots and lots of songs for RealAudio! It'z like Romeo and Juliet, hot sex on a plattah just to get you wet, you'z about to get in something you will neva regret, and its gonna be da bomb, this is wut I bet, yep!

FriEnDz Pages

Mr. Fantasee's Web Page

aZnfLiRt'z DoMaiN
Caren's Home Page

MYeh199196's Home Page

JuLez AnD AzNbOi'Z PaGe

OtHer ReaLLy cooL HoMePaGeS

~the wind rushes through~
Meg's Place
*cHeRyL* aKa dA *KuTyPiE* yUp§ dAt bE mEeH!
Jen's Page
Lolli's Beach House

Modus Operandi

For all u peepz who alwayz ask wut modus iz.....go to Dave's site...and you'll get an idea of what Modus iz all about...but, of'll never understand da splendors of Morada unless you experience it urself...=*(
Dave's Modus Operandi Page

Play Modus Operandi
For Free!!

YeA riTe..FrEe fOr A PhUckIn WeEk
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