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OuR BeLoVeD isLaNd

Before you start, I have to warn..dis is a VERY VERY long story dat is being lived out rite is no end..even so, it is VERY VERY long..and its all one believes us..but, o well...its we go...BTW, some of the names will be changed to protect their true identity...

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there were two little girls who went on dis bus tour thingy to Las Vegas...and now..they got to this really cheap hotel dat they had to stay had this little arcade thingy..remember? heee..=) ..ok..well...dats where they met..and they went to all these buffets..there was one of dem dat was really really was at a pretty good hotel...but da soda there...NASTy..ok..they mix in dis water wit da soda..and it tastes like carbonated was really really gross...they were mixin sodas together..and it was really fun..=) ok..and den angela told tiff bout this really really cool island she went to sumtimes...and tiffany thought angela was hallucinating or angela took tiff to da island after they got back to L.A...see..u go on dis ferry called da Moradian Tiff, she has her own special plane to get there...but most people get there by ferry...A little on Morada..morada is dis tropical island in da middle of da carribeans..and its really pretty..its like a pardise wit a very very high crime rate...Soon..if we gots time,...I'll put up da Moradian Constitution and The History of Morada..ok..anyways...They went to morada..angela's known as Jenny..and tiffany's known as Pixy...and..back then, when morada was a pretty hot tourist site, the Hideaway Hotel was a very popular hangout..there's dis Sweetheart Bungalow..and its really funny..cuz in the Hideaway Hotel says "There's a wonderful heart shaped mirror above the bed so you can see all da action below" or sumthin like dat...its really funny..ok..Hideaway Hotel is really cool..there's dis other room called da cabin..and it has its own personal jacuzzi..=) and den theres all these other crappy small da first day they went there, Jen took Pixy to da hotel..cuz it used to be one of da most popular hangouts...and..on dat day, there was a beauty pageant..=) and it was in da cabin..theres dis restroom in da was changing in there..and Jen dropped this coat..dat she would have to run all across town to get another one..Pixy picked it up....Jen said "DROP IT PIXY"..dat phrase suppossedly sticks in Pixy's head...den Jen slapped pixy...see..slapping on Morada isn't that bad..when pixy found dat out, she would walk around slapping everyone.....after dat, pixy had no idea what was goin on..cuz it was her first day..and she didn't understand da she was jus sittin in da restroom flushing the toilet over and over and a million times untill her arm really ached..well..before the beauty pageant began, Jenny had to get back to the she went on the ferry..and came back to dis crappy place...and Pixy was still at jus went around explorin..and havin fun..and slapping people..=)

~*~PiXyZ vErSiOn~*~ A long long time ago..these two gurlz went to Las Vegas together on da same tour bus. We never talked to each other until one day...i forgot..anywayz...we started talkin and watchin dese weird Fobbish mooviez on da bus while eating ranch flavored sunflower seeds. I remember she said "Mmm these are good" hehehehe...Anyway, we got to Las Vegas and lived in dis like never heard before hotel we went to dis buffet with stoopid gay ass cheap lil ARGHHHHHH CHEAP LIL WATER DOWNED SODA..WUT A RIP OFF! anyway hehehe we started mixing all da sodaz together and we called it suicide and poop..hehhe den one day, this gurl, Jen, started talking to Pixy about this wonderful little island off in da middle of nowhere in da big ocean sumwhere. This island was called Morada.Jen told Pixy that she would take her after the Las Vegas thing. Well, you see, this wuz all over da summer. Sumtime when comin bak frum Las Vegas, we went shopping at dis huge ass outlet sumwhere...and we bought these really really good uhhhh lil juice dingyz smoothiez with whippped cream and sprinklez and poo on top "Those were good" remember Jen...i remember we sat in da bak of da bus where da poopoo room wuz and we just talked and stuffy stuff. Den when we got bak to KaLi, Jen took Pixy to da tropical and wonderful island of Morada. I went on a plane but Jen went on the MORADA FERRY becuz she REFYOOSED TO TAKE DA PLANE...anywayz..heh heh..Wow, the furst thing Pixy did was go to da Hideaway Hotel located sumwhere...i forgot....anywayz, we went to da Hideaway Hotel, and hung out at da pool. At da pool, we entered dis beauty pageant thing where i didn't kno wut to i like sorta ditched da ding and jumped into da pool.....well, we saw dis gay guy who was all showing off his lil dive to all the gurlz....i dink dat was this gay guy. Anywayz, i went up there to prove dat he wuz nothing...but..ya kno wut?...i dead MOOSE. CAN YOU BELIEVE DAT? HE WUZ ALL PERFECT AND STUFF AND I JUST DROPPED LIKE A DEAD MOOSE. I DIDN'T GET TO SHOW HIM MY GOOD STUFF...I MUST HAVE SLIPPED OR SUMPTING..yea DATS IT! I SLIPPED! hehehehehe well the HideAway Hotel used to be where EVERYONE kiked it at...but now...its sorta just a place where couplez go to have sex..hehehehe IN DA SWEETHEART BUNGALOW...see when u look up at da ceiling of da ding..they have a mirror up there so u can "see all da action down below" hehehehehe..i luv dat mirror....well, we discovered that the last day we were gonna have to return to da main land. I'll go in order of eventz, anywayz, before da pageant, everyone wuz changin in dis hotel room or sumthing...well..i like..sorta didn't have nothin to change like..i....just...sat in the bathroom with everyone..and checked out all da gurl .and...i got kinda bored....and i found it just started flushing da toilet over and over and over and over and over until my hand started to hurt...then Jen dropped a coat or sumpting and i picked it up and wuz gonna give it to her so she thought i was gonna steal SHE SLAPPED ME...CAN U BELIEVE SHE SLAPPED ME? MY OWN FRIEND SLAPPED ME...and i remember da exact same words she said..she said "DROP IT PIXY!" whoa that wuz scary..from then on, i had a habit of slapping everyone i saw on that tiny lil island..well that island is kinda weird when u furst get there..all dese weirdos give u like a lotta money if u beg dem on ur kneez...see, i can go really low..hehe datz wut me and gay boyfriend was doin..see..we were broke and we went to a wedding and begged dis really rich gurl named Tiffany Hamblin or sumpting...but she just sorta ignored me like the rest of the peepoz. At the Palm Frond Pub on Ocean View Road, we saw this George Cloonie guy flurting with a whole bunch of gurlz. Well, i found out that THAT boy was Jenny Whitman's fiance. I discovered that a lot of gurlz were flurting wit him so i told Jenny. They called the wedding off and George Cloonie just got another gurl JUST LIKE DAT! her name was Alicia Silverstone. I know this story sounds just made up to u, BUT ITS NOT! anyway, we started our lil evil plan to ruin his rep around the whole island. You kno, those transmitor thingz are useful. I mean..they're not just lil dinky lil dingz u carry around...u can use dem to tell stuff to we did to George. He was really evil but not that evil compared to Jenny and Pixy. We ruined his rep realy bad by spreading true rumors that no one else knew about. Well, one day i caught him flurting again at the pool. We ran to go tell Alicia and she got really pissed. So they broke up. We dont know exactly whatever happened to this really nice guy named George, other than the fact that we harrased him on da main land too. Well, we all eventually lost contact becuz..well....nevermind. Anyway, school was gonna start soon so we had to leave Morada. We quickly went to the Pirate's Gold Casino and spent a lot of money there just messn around. One time, we were just freaks and we sorta just lied there on the floor, well there was sumptin wrong with both of our we couldn't get felt kinda weird....but then uhhh..these official people who help people with problems on the island helped us stand bak up....when we were about to leave We were really really sad, and everyone was crying. We thought we would never ever go bak to this island anymore. I decided to spend my last moments giving away stuff and telling everyone bye. I left before Jen did, then she left. We returned and never went bak until spring break. We stayed for only one week. it was our best experience on this island. Anyway, at the beginning it was kinda boring becuz everything changed. But then this new chinese resteraunt was going to open. It was called Jade Dragon. Well, while we were waiting for it to open, we visited the casino again. They had their cool roulette tables out. It was pretty fun becuz before the person would spin the thing, we would get down on our knees and pray for us to win. If we lost, we would stub our toe trying to kik the table. One day, Jen was really depressed or sumpting so she just started singing. Well, Tiffany Hamblin didn't like her out of key singing so she complained and reported her. Then Jimbob Ponoka also started complaining. So the official people warned her and she decided to shut up. Anywayz, when the Jade Dragon finally opened....Pixy went there and decided to check it out. Well..she found it paradise cuz it had a lotta food...heh heh =) Well...da food dere wuz soooo yummy....da beef and broccoli is da best...anywayz..inside da Jade Dragon, therez a really cool club..but you had to be 15 to get in. I didn't get to go in cuz i wasn't 15 and i got so i decided to litter. Kinda dumb...but you kno...dey have to pick up afta i decided to litter da soda waterz i got from da Piratez Gold Casino. At da casino, dese cool ladiez come around and give u free i put a whole bunch in my bag....den i littered all of dem at da Jade Dragon.....Da manager kicked me out...and I couldn't go in anymore....and plus...dey locked me up in jail. I had to do community kno wut i had to do? I HAD TO PEEL 110 POTATOES FOR DA STOOPID CHEF...YOU KNO HOW LONG DAT TOOK ME? IT TOOK ME FOREVER...FURST I STARTED OUT WID 40....DEN DIS STOOPID GAY ASS GUY COMEZ IN AND ASKS ME HOW MANY POTATOES I"VE PEELED....I ANSWER WRONG AND HE GIVES ME 20 MORE...STOOPID GAY ASS HUH? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......while i wuz in Jen was at da casino singing sad songz.....again. Yes...again. Den dese people started to complain and she started crying and wouldn't shut da official people made her get locked up in a cell...and she couldn't do ANYTHING in there...well den..she kept calling for assistance and kept callin and den..dey got so annoyed dat dey zapped her wid a lightning bolt. She had to stay dat way for a very long time. She couldn't move for a very long time...people there are very cruel. Especially the official peoplez. Hmmm...wuts next? lemme dink...o yea! They would hold these singing contest in the Cantina......they have a table full of free food...unlimited suppliez of pepperoni pizza too! came time for us to leave again...and dis time..i decided to leave in a very speshal way....guess..u'll never guess...well..i decided to strip down to my bare skin and lie down at da Cantina before i left...but den i person dat worked there warned me and told me to put my clothez on...didn't dat suck? ohz wellz...i kno therez more storiez....but i'll tell you peepoz later...there'z way more..if ya wanna hear it..we'll tell u more sumday..just ask...we can spend 5 hourz telln u da adventurez we have on Morada...=)

~*~Da OnE aNd OnLeE PiXy~*~
