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The Leader

If only they knew how hard it is for me.
I'm turning 16, the world I begin to see.
My friends began to change, right before my eyes,
and now they seemt o laugh, and tell all sorts of lies.
They hang around together in groups of three or four;
the language they isn't gentle anymore.
The kids that seem most lonely wind up in their pack,
and those that stand alone, they talk behind their back.
Somehow I fell rejected because I don't conform.
Those that step to their own beat don't seem to be the norm.
I've watched a few just fade away, with drugs and alcohol;
and many more have given up, too many to recall.
Alcohol is an option for everyone in my school.
I've lost a friend to booze again;I will not be a fool.
And sex, it seems so open, for everyone to explore.
Three girls I know that came to school don't come here
If only I could make a difference, what could I do or say?
I would go to school and try my best each and every day.
There is one thing I'd like to do before I graduate.
I'd like to touch them one by one before it is too late.

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