Concert Reviews
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Concert Reviews

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I went to the July 5th concert in Vancouver BC, and although it was my VERY first concert, I was a little disappointed. It was still phenomenal, and made me extremely happy, but there was just something missing. I felt sorry for SG because they only played for half of the stadium, and that wasn't even packed. The Zucker Babies opened for them, and judging by the way the crowd responded, they weren't exactly who everyone wanted to see. I almost felt bad for them. Anyways, they did about 8 songs ( this was the boring part ), including cannonball and video killed the radio star. Well, the stage crew took a huge long time to set up for long I almost began to fall asleep. Finally 20 mintues later, the lights dimmed and the stage was filled with beautiful blue and purple flashing lights. Then what do you know? Daniel walks out onto the stage with his guitar, ( I start screaming my lungs off ) as camera flashes started to consume everything, and the music begins to play. The first song they did was tears of pearls...I'm pretty sure the next one was Love can move you. The music was incredible...loud and obnoxious ( just the way I like it ). I was going deaf from all the screaming and Darren's high notes. Darren did a lot of posing throughout the whole show...he often flexed his muscles and curled his biceps, which just made the audience scream. ( Except me...I just cringed at him ). Daniel looked so cute...he moved around a lot! He kept jumping up and down, bobbing his head...he was wearing black stone washed jeans that made him look like he had even skinnier chicken legs, and that was cute. I focused on him most of the time, but when he was shadowed away, I was forced to watch Darren and everything he did kind of annoyed me. Darren and Anna-Marie did a duet to You can't make me love you, and they put a lot of emotion into it. During one part, they even held hands and kissed. The whole audience went crazy and went Ooooh....but I fumbled for the camera as my sister finished loading the film for me ( if I had had the camera I probably would've dropped it from shock anyways ). Well, Darren did most of the interactions with the crowd, although Daniel did speak a lot and threw two of his guitar pics into the audience. He played a lot with Ben, Karl, and Darren. Daniel called me rotten. He goes "this song is about your rotten neighbors...the states..." everyone there cheered while I cursed *laugh*. While singing Mine, Darren got very emotional it looked like...he put so much more feeling into that song then he did the others. For the rest of the show, Darren waved his ass around in the air, stripped and made poses. I think he even grabbed his crotch once. During all around me, he walked down the catwalk and kept saying "it's all about me...the show's all about me..." he pulled off Nicole and Anna-marie's wig, and even fired Karl. In one part, when Daniel tried to take the attention, he waved his arms around to get the audience going. Poor guy...the audience didn't do much. I screamed my lungs off for him, but when Darren said " Daniel, what do you think you're doing.." all the girls screamed and I was overpowered. Damn. Darren got us to sing like a chic- a-cherry cola, although I did not hear many voices. Daniel brought onto the stage dolls of the their crew members, and introduced everyone by using those. Anna-Marie and Nicole sang Free your mind without Darren, and he sang a bit of Building a mystery and then the whole thing to One of us by Joan Osbourne, as well as Spice up your life during all around me. Like normal, they left before playing tmd. Then came back and sang that, singing "and when the stars are shining brightly in canadian skies" everyone screamed, but I knew that was just a line...he just fills in the blank with wherever they are performing.Then they finished that up with this side of me, universe, and a couple of others that I forget. They didn't play Violet, a thousand words, or memories are designed to fade, and sadly to say, left me a little disappointed. I mean, the show was fantastic, but compared to what I have read about the australian shows, this was a little disappointing. They looked fatigued and didn't seem to have that much energy. The only thing that made up for all of this was the fact that I was breathing the same air that Daniel was breathing ( and this was extremely good air by the way...I inhaled as often as I could ). The night did end much too quickly, and I feel bad for the people who sat around me because I went camera happy and took so many pictures I must've blinded them with the flash *laugh*. Well, hopefully when they come back they will bring us an even more fabulous show.

~WildFlower, Bellingham Washington

It was finally Saturday, July 11th 1998. My mom, sister, and I had been waiting for that day for what seemed an eternity. We hurried to get ready and head to the Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas, where Savage Garden would be performing at the Joint. We arrived and took an elevator upstairs to our seats. They were good: first row balcony. We sat down and waited for the show to start. Showtime was supposed to be at 8:00, but we ended up staring at an empty stage until 8:30. Then the lights went out and the stage was illuminated with purple lights. The crowd went wild as the band took the stage and they went right into Tears of Pearls, followed by Love Can Move You. Darren looked hot as ever as he strutted across the stage, and Daniel wasn't too hard on the eyes either. The only problem was that the music was overpowering Darren and at times it was difficult to hear him singing. I thought they would do something to fix that, but it stayed that way for most of the night. Then Darren and Anna-Maria sang I Can't Make You Love Me. It was the most beautiful song I'd ever heard. Although they didn't kiss, they held hands and were almost TOO convincing.=) He proceeded to sing Promises (with an excerpt of SugarPie, HoneyBunch), Joan Osborne's One of Us (which was excellently performed), and Break Me Shake Me (with an excerpt of Nirvana), among others. Then the stage went dark and the lights flashed and it was time for All Around Me. Darren came strutting out in his long white coat and rhinstone sunglasses, followed by his backup singers who looked like oversized Barbie dolls. This was by far the best song of the night. Darren Spice started off singing a bit of Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls and then started to get into the song. The choreography was great, and when he started slapping his butt and grabbing himself, every chick in the place, including myself, squealed in delight. In fact, if he hadn't of stopped soon, we were all going to volunteer to lend a hand!! Also, he kept on saying that this was "his show". Then Karl went into his drum solo. Darren shot up and started yelling and throwing a tantrum, demanding that he stop, that this was HIS show. That was quite entertaining. They did a few more songs, including Carry On Dancing. Then they went into I Want You. Everyone got off their butts and started dancing and clapping to the music. Darren even led the crowd in a chic-a-cherry cola sing-a-long. Then the band waved goodbye and left the stage, but everyone knew it wasn't over. A few minutes later, the band returned and Darren sang This Side Of Me. Then he announced that he had one more song to sing, and that it was a love song. We all knew what he was talking about. It was time for Truly, Madly, Deeply. This song got the most audience response. Darren lamenting mountains, seas, and stars shining in the "Vegas" sky made everyone go nuts. But it was all over too soon and it was time to leave. We left feeling joy, but also disappointment. Yes, it was totally awesome that we had just seen our favorite band perform for an hour and a half right in front of us, but there were bad points. Like I said before, the sound was bad, so we could barely understand the words. Also, the Joint is a very small venue: it seats only 1400 people. It had the potential to be very personal, but it wasn't. The band didn't have much to say to the audience, which is bad because audience participation is key at a live concert. Then, the biggest bummer of the night was the news that the band would not be coming out to sign autographs and take pictures. Their excuse was that they were "too tired". I can imagine how grueling a tour must be, and they probably don't get much rest. But it would've only taken an hour out of their time to sign autographs for fifteen people waiting outside by their tour bus. So, that makes it seem like they are snobs who don't appreciate their fans when we are the ones who support them no matter what. I certainly hope this isn't true. But despite all that, the good points outnumbered the bad ones, and it was a wonderful night.

~ Lori, Tawnee and Terra

July 10th, Greek Theatre, Los Angeles It all started around 5:00pm i was in my cousins car and the song truly madly deeply was on the was on kiss fm.And rick dees was talking about the savage garden concert in the Greek Theater.But the lucky thing is that i was going there.When we arrived at the Greek theater my cousin had a very , very hard time to find the parking space.Finally we found a space for parking.After that was settled we headed for the theater by walking. Me and my two cousins were waiting in the line and it was about 5:30 to 6:00pm. I made two new friends of course..because they are savage garden fans. When i was waiting in the line they were doing soundchecks.. So i listened to the sound checks and was talking to my new friends.Suddenly i noticed a blond guy with sunglasses.Ive notice that he was one of the band members which was....Ben(the other guitarist) .He went back into the theater. While that happened i explained the apperance about Ben with my new friends.Then Ben came out again with a video camera.He said" How do you video this".I was a little skeptical ..just a little that it couldnt be Ben..but my new friends said it was him.My cousins said to take a picture with him.I said" oh..alright..ok".He was taking pictures with a few girls and i decided to butt while he was taking pictures and talking and having a short conversation,i kept tapping at his shoulder.He of course didnt want to respond until finally i got his attention and i asked him" Excuse me,May you take a picture with me?" Ben said" sure,do u have a camera?" I was like" yeah" and my cousin took it for me.I said "thankyou". After i took a picture with him i went to my cousins and said that was the guitarist dont u remember him? he is the guy u know..the part in truly madly deeply.remember??And she said "no i dont know what your talking about ,,who the heck is Ben,,never heard of him!" i was like" trying to convince them and everything so finally i gave up..but my cousins said "why dont u let him sign an autograph? and i was like" ok" but it was to late darnt!"so in a few minutes i was chatting with my new friends and one of them said" that darren fell off the stage ,because he mistaken it for a cat walk and so did daniel,he fell on his guitar." After everything happened the chat finished and i notice that we were going in. While we were going in the security guy checked our bag and to see what was inside.Fortunatly i had a camera..the security guy said as i heard"just a camera ok..."after that was setteled the lady asked for our tickets.We got in an i bought a sg t-shirt of..course..with Darren on the front and Daniel on the back.When i was in the theater i was determined to get there attention.the first 30mins was a girl singing i forgot her name sorry...she was the guest for the opening act i still took pictures though..After she sang at least i think 8:45pm to 9:00pm the concert started the whole band was there!the first song they sang was "tears of pearls"they sang some old songs too!let me think of one well..i dont know the name but listen" god is good,..god is great" Darren sang gingerless spice he also said in the begging "Ginger is spiceless".He changed outfits and sang a mixed spice girl song but to say he did some nasty moves on the for instance cant tell the rest he smacked his butt a few times..and um..anyways i cant tell..sorry..he also introduced the band..and um he also said in a few conversations..hows LA?Is everyone doing fine? so did daniel he said the same thing too and stuff.One song Darren said was " this is song for LA in LA SANTA MONICA".the funny part was that after the a song i cant remember Darren said"ok everything is done,,hey wait what are doing stop!"he was screaming at the drum player Alex..Darren said"what are u doing stop, this is my show!"and of course the drum player still played ..of course this was part of the act it was hilarous.He also sang I want u song everyone was standing up and clapping hands and helping the band sing with the audience.Because Darren said you can help ok?He also said in the first part "Like a chica cherry cola!"The crowd sang only the part "Like a chica cherry cola"He sang his whole album including "Love Can move u um..This side of me" In this side of me Darren put the part California side.This side of me and truly madly deeply were the last songs of the concert.After the concert i tried to scream as loud as i can couldnt though damn! I was shouting"Darren wait!!!" Unfortunatley i didnt get their autograph but i least i got a picture of them and picture with me and Ben thankgod.It was about 10:20 pm. As i was heading back to the car,a few girls in back of me were talking about Darren..i listened to their conversation..they one of the girls said" How could he walk like that ?If that guy walks like that then he must be gay..." i was so mad and ferious but i couldnt say anything ..i kept it all to my self..after that the trailor was there setting up stuff while i headed back home....amazing isnt it??

~Helen Kuy

I went to see Savage Garden at GM place on July 5th at 7:30 with my mom and best friend Rachel. we got there early though and the local radio station van was outside GM place and they were giving out prizes for having their sticker on your car and my mom had one on her car that I convinced her to put on the day before so we won 2 day passes to the water slides. after waiting around a while they finally opened the doors. when we got inside our seats were really far from the stage so we were kind of disappointed but at least we were there. The opening band was Zuckerbaby a band I didn't really like but they did a good job. After they finished playing they talked a bit about savage garden and what great guys they are and how lucky they were to be touring with them then they left. my mom hadn't been paying attention to the concert and had been looking around and spotted 4 empty seats in the front row so we thought "lets not let them go to waste" and we took them. After waiting what seemed like forever in our new seats there was a figure leaning into the big black curtain so we could only see their outline as soon as people saw this everyone started screaming really loud and then like 2 minutes later we heard the beginning of tears of pearls it sounded like it does on the remix found on the double album. then savage garden came out and the lights were still dark so we could just barely see them and then we heard Darren start to sing. Darren was wearing a blue track suit with a black t shirt underneath his coat and blue sunglasses and Daniel was wearing a black and silver shirt and black pants which he never changed throughout the concert for the verses the lights were colourful and then when they did the chorus the lights went black and white and the same happened for break me shake me. after tears of pearls they went straight into love can move you and then they paused for a few seconds before singing to the moon and back during which he was handed a coat that reminds me of an armadillo from someone in the front row which he took off at the end of TTM&B. The next song they performed was I can't make you love me (by Bonnie Raitt) the lights were blue, purple and pink and it was a duet with Anna Maria and Darren at a couple places they touched hands and in one part they made it look like they kissed but I don't think they really did. After that Darren changed into a tight white shirt and he and Daniel went to the end of the catwalk and sang promises and the spotlight was just on the two of them. in the middle of promises though Darren went off and started singing another song before returning to finish the end of promises. after promises (D & D still together at the edge of the catwalk) they sang fire inside the man which Darren dedicated to "his best friend in the whole world who has always been there for him" he changed the beginning of the second verse just a little though... instead of saying "there's never been a boy who's luckier there's never been a more grateful man" he said "there's never been a man who's luckier there's never been a more grateful soul" Santa Monica sounded a lot like it does on the album but instead of "or they'll knock you down" it was "or they'll knock your fat ass down" after that Dan and Daz left the catwalk and performed Carry on Dancing followed by Mine and then break me shake me which had some added lines right before "it's not free baby you'll have to pay" after BMSM Darren, Anna and Nicole went backstage for quite a long costume change. when they returned Darren was wearing a long silver coat and sparkly yellow sunglasses and Anna was wearing a short tank top, blond wig, silver mini skirt, and a big blue coat and Nicole was wearing the same only her coat was pink. They started to sing all around me and they did a little dance (and Darren kept grabbing his crotch throughout the song). then Anna and Nicole took off their big coats and started going in front of Darren and he responded by kind of wining "this is my show get out of the way" this went on for a while and then suddenly Darren ripped of the girls wigs and they gave him surprised looks. They sang for a while but the rap hadn't come and just when I thought they weren't' going to do it the lights turned off and then they did it which was really effective. then they sang the chorus again and then Karl started doing his own thing on the drums and Darren went over and started yelling at him "this is my show stop it" after this Darren went backstage and took off his silver coat and came out with a chair. while Darren was backstage Daniel and Ben had been doing their own guitar thing. when Daz came out he took his chair to the end of the catwalk and sat down backwards on the chair to face the audience. then he started singing I'll bet he was cool and he started doing stuff with the chair kind of like the backstreet boys do in the video for as long as you love me and when he got to "lord I need your protection..." he went to the right side of the catwalk and put his arms out and spread apart his legs and looked at the roof. it sounds kind of weird but it looked good. then he sang universe and he picked up the chair and walked around with it a bit. after universe Darren went backstage for another costume change. and while he did Anna and Nicole sang a song that I didn't recognize. when Darren returned they sang I want you and it sounded a lot like it does on the album and then they sang it again only it was like it is on the first remix on the FOED remix cd. Then Darren said to the audience something like "ok we want to finish the song but we need your help i need you guys to sing chica cherry cola" then he pointed to one section of the audience and got them to sing chica cherry cola and he did that to all the sections and then they sang IWY again and when it was time the audience screamed out chica cherry cola. Then they said good night and walked off and the lights went out. but since they hadn't sung TMD the whole audience got up and started screaming. after like 5 minutes they came back on and sang this side of me and the first time Darren said this side of me he turned his left side to the audience and kind of made a gesture to show "this side of him" and Daniel started laughing. (Daniel had been singing for every song but didn't have mic so we couldn't hear him) also instead of saying I want to move in time with you I want to breathe in rhyme with you he said I want to breathe in rhyme with you twice. then he said building a mystery 2 times and then sang Joan Osborne's one of us then they announced that they were going to play their last song which was TMD. which I didn't get to hear because Rachel grabbed my arm and dragged me out of there. and of course my mom followed. after the concert was over we waited outside for the band to leave. There as a tour bus and a truck outside and we waited for a while and then Darren got in the back of the truck and it passed like two feet away from us on it's way out of the parking lot and Darren smiled and flashed us a peace sign. we waited around for a while more and then we saw the backup band leave in this order Anna Maria, Ben (who waited and talked to the bus driver who was leaning against the bus for a while before finally getting in) then Lee and Karl came out together, followed by Nicole and a girl with long blond hair (possibly Laurie?) after a while Dan came out and got into the bus and then me and Rachel ran around to the other side of the bus where no one else was and we saw Daniel and Ben and we waved and Dan waved back and Ben gave us a big smile. well that's the end of my story of the greatest 2 hours of my life.


It was July 3rd 1998 7:30 in the morning. I was so excited. I was going to see Savage Garden, In Calgary Alberta. My dad and my step-mom and I went to go pick up my friend and we headed for Calgary about 10:30am in the morning. When we got to the Max Bell Arena (where they were playing) we stood in line for 6 and a half hours. (it was rush seating) When it came around to about 3:30pm this big bus came by, we knew who it was, Darren and Daniel. Daniel waved to all of us standing in line and Darren waved to us from the back of the bus. At 6:30pm they let us in. My friend and I ran right to the front. About 25 min later Zuckerbaby came out. They did about 8 songs, including Cannonball, Shampoo and other ones. Nobody really wanted to see them. Then Paul Bouche from Power 107 (radio station) came out and told us to make a lot of noise for Darren and Daniel. It took them a long time to set up for them but it was worth the wait. Then Daniel came out in a purple shirt and wicked black pants. The whole arena screamed. Then a big curtain dropped and there was Darren, looking hot as ever. In a black Calvin Klien tee and great army green pants. He got down from the platform he was on and came right down to the front and sang right in frong of me. Daniel came so close we could practiacally touch him.Then they sang Tears Of Pearls. The second song was Love Can Move You.Then it was I can't make you love me, Darren and Anna-Marie put a lot of emotion into it they almost kissed! In Santa Monica Daniel just stopped playing and Darren looke at him really funny then he turned away and pointed his nose in the air. Then he said,"what's the key of the song again?" Durning Promises he gave Daniel a big wet one. Darren moved around a lot and even jumped up on one of the speakers. Darren flexed his muscles in lots of spots which made me melt. During To The Moon & Back, Darren threw his towel into the crowd. My friend and I had a pretty tight grip on it but the girl next to us elbowed us and took it away. But now we can say we touched it. In All Around Me he said, "spice up your life!" it was funny. He then ripped off the girls wigs and told the drummer to "stop it stop it! This is my show!" Daniel got all of our participation as he told us to make some noise! Darren finally calmed down. Then he did universe which was great. I took a lot of pics of them. (which thankfully turned out) Darren then grabbed his crotch a few times which was funny in it's own way. It was the best concert ever. At the end they did One Of Us by Joan Osbourne which was done amazingly. At the very end they did Truly and the crowd of people behind me just pushed. He said, "and when the stars are shining brightly in canadian skies" i just started to bawl. Then when he sang "the tears devour you" he pointed to the whole crowd. The whole arena started to sing and Daz didn't even know it for a while until he said, "your beautiful" (it only made me cry harder. At the very end, he just stopped and laughed. He said," I can't believe how loud you guyz are!" Then he left the stage with Daniel.

~Sheena Marston

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