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Okay, if you don't know me (I know 20 people are going to slap this on their websites man), my name is Mary Boiter.I am obsessed with Savage Garden, and I think Darren Hayes is the REAL God of all gods.This is my personal concert experience from July 29th 1998 at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center.The people and happenings in this story are real, and the names havn't been changed to protect the innocent, so bear with me on this one.Anyway, here's the juicy stuff... Well, before I went to the show we ate at Checkers..whoopee! Who cares? Anyway, we drove into the almighty parking garage and hauled ass to the doors...the fist thing I saw was a sign that said "no cameras or recorded devices allowed"......bwahahahaha.You didn't think I would let them do that to me did you?.All I had to do was hide the damn thing in my purse under the Burdine's receipt.(anyway, I never did take any pictures...what was my problem?!) I walked in (duh) and practically knocked down the sercurity gaurds making way to the merchandise table!Yeah!Then I gave up a nice $25 to get the dark blue shirt with my Dazzy on the front, and the dates on the back.After that we hauled ass into the concert hall."nice place" I thought, making sure to glance back and be amazed at how good it can be sitting in row 14.Then we sat and waited and discussed how we might prevent ourselves from going deaf....then later I decided.."screw it man, SG can run me over with their damn tour bus if they want, what should hearing loss matter?" FINALLY, it got dark..nice lights zooming all over the place...and ta-da! Billie Myers!! Ta-da!! Another 45 farking minutes to wait for Savage Garden to come on.Billie Myers did two slightly enjoyable numbers and the rest were blahblahblah.And personally, I really couldn't stand the strange pants she was wearing.When she left the lights came back on and Ta-da!! another 15 minutes of waiting.What does a girl have to do to see her obsessions for crying out loud!? Okay...after what seems like ten thousand years in an arabian lamp, the lights went out and there was some funky music to rev it up and we stood there doing nothing for like 3 minutes looking at these colored lights until Ta-da!! It's about time people!! Darren was standing on a pedestal bursting into "Tears of Pearls".I thought "This sounds wierd, this sounds different, this is really loud, and I'm loving every minute of it".I sat holding back the excitement, quietly mesmerized in my seat, staring right into Darren's eyes for what seemed liked the first half of the show.I was quite impressed when Darren stood atop his pedestal flexing his biceps."not bad" I thought.Who I am kidding, my adolescent hormones have never been so excited!! When he was doing "Tears of Pearls" he merged it into "Love Can Move You".Also quite refreshing! Anyways, after that was "To the Moon and Back".One of Mom's favorites!! I had to wake her up for it!! (I'm serious, she was falling asleep.When she's tired....SHE'S TIRED")It rocked as usual.Off to a duet, "I can't make you love me" starring Darren and...crap I never remember which backup is which...I'll assume it was Anna and get on with it.Sorry man, but this was blah.NEXT SONG!! Promises..Ooh..this one was cute, halfway through Darren started singing "sugarpie honeybun, sugarpie honeybun" by some old band..I'm to tired to remember...all I can think of is the Temptations.I don't even remember the song name.Anyway, what else could one do at that point but erupt with laughter.I laughed. Next up was Santa Monica, which our buddy Daniel introduced.I was happy that Darren performed this song and made it sound like it did on the album (hey man, I need one to sound familiar). Anyway, After Santa Monica was "Carry on Dancing".It took me awhile to figure out which song this was because the audience was a bit, shall we say "LOUD" once it started.This one rocked!! It had to be one of the best I saw live that night.VERY COOL LIGHTING might I add.There was a particular lighting effect that I loved near the end, but I couldn't begin to explain it. Next up! "Mine" My fave man!! Awesome! So anyway, they did this cool thing with the lights so it was dark blue and Darren was sort of highlighted red.This guy wants attention obviously.ANYWAY, the song turned out a success as usual. Okay next up!"Break Me Shake Me".This was my other favorite performed that night.This song is too kool when performed live and it shows.The noise makes you deaf and the lighting leaves you in epileptic shock.Awesome.Like Billie Myers did once in her opening act, Darren temporarily burst into a Dazzy version of Nirvana's "Smells like teen spirit".Very cute man.I particulary enjoyed watching Ben and Daniel in a showdown of the guitar at the end, jumping around like typical rock and roll maniacs finally taking their chance to dominate the stage.After this was a short 3 minute break for costume change... You guessed it baybee."All Around Me"..This was awesome! Good costumes, good performance, good disco balls, it all tied in with the song man.I loved how the girls were all over him (this is a rare occurance reality I'd be VERY jealous), he looked so "All that" during the whole song, grabbing his crotch and enjoying it a bit too much for my comfort....and of course shaking his ass was a typical occurance during that song.And to make it funnier..Darren burst into "spice up your life" quite a few times!I had to stand for this one cuz man, oh man...Everyone loved it...hahahah.Great stuff you got there on stage. Next was "I'll Bet He Was Cool" in which Darren ranted on about how cool he thinks Jesus would be.My response to this song "What Would Jesus Do"? haha, I really liked how Daz pranced around with his little chair the whole time.Such a simple thing can make an interesting prop.Who knew? Last but certainly not least was "I Want You".It started out with Daz screaming "chica cherry cola" and of course rang a bell with the audience immeadiately.What can I say about this song?I say "Darren is way into this cherry cola bit".He had the audience saying it for him, and he said it about 8thousand times too many.Does anyone think he likes cherry cola? They finished up and bowed. YOU DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD END LIKE THAT DID YOU? You know they purposely left the lights out while everyone screamed for an encore? Daz and friends came back out and sang...Yipe..."This Side of Me"....Yay!!I love that song.He didn't think I'd let him leave Tampa without singing it to me did he? Well, you know how they planned it...of course they said they were going to leave, but not without singing a certain song first! That's right! "Truly Madly Deeply" man!! When it ended, Daz thanked us and said good night..and the lights popped on immeadiately.(guess they didn't plan a second encore). Well, that was my night people.Hope you're satisfied with that.My head is still throbbing and my ears are still ringing and I figured concert reviews should be written soon after experienced...even though I stayed up until 5am writing this.My one complaint is that they did not perform "Violet" or "A Thousand Words".The answer "next year".One word to sum up the whole concert? "Bitchin".Peace to all, rock on my Savage friends!!Can't wait till the next concert!!

Love Always~Mary Boiter (aka-Batfink OR Riven)

I went to the August 7th concert in Clarkston, MI. I thought that the concert was awesome. Billy Meyers opened and she did an exceptional job. The stadium was packed as soon as she began singing "Kiss the Rain". Savage Garden had one of there back up singers do a few songs with Darren. She was absolutley shocking. She sang an En Vogue song by herself and the crowd went wild! Savage Garden and this MYSTERY WOMAN got rave reviews from all the news papers and radio stations. I was slightly disappointed that Savage Garden didnt sing more of there own songs. They sang a country song Joan Osborne's "What If God Was One Of Us". I hated the song when she sang it and I plugged my ears when Savage Garden sang it. Dan and Darren were awesome other than that though. The band closed with "Truly Madly Deeply." They were well dressed, had a great attitude and kept the crowd wanting more.

~SageHope, Michigan

I went to the Savage Garden concert at the Illinois State Fair, August 15, 1998. I went, the concert was undescribable! I waited in line for about four hours. Every fifteen minutes I looked at my watched. My best friend and I sang every song out loud about twice! I mean every song even the b-side songs (love can move you this side of me, fire inside the man, i'll bet he was cool, memories are designed to fade, all around me, and mine). Okay they let us in, we're front row! Billie Meyers performed for about a half an hour, then it took them about forty-five minutes to clear the stage and set up for savage garden. It's nine-thirty four, some very mystical music starts to play then you see figures coming up on stage. It is still pitch black mind you. (first ben, lee, karl, nichole, ana-maria, then darren and daniel). the music started getting louder the quieter then louder and all of a sudden the lights go on and there is darren at the top of the platform and you hear the guitar for tears of pearls. Darren was so hot with all of his moves! Darren was wearing silver pants with a black shirt under a jacket which he tore off at the end of the song. He was wearing black frame and lens sunglasses. Daniel just had on black pants and a black t-shirt, Karl had on a maroon tank top. Lee had a shirt on in which the sleeves were cut off and it was all wild. Ben had on pinkish pants to match his magenta hair. Nichole and ana maria were wearing all black. Any way I forget in which order the middle songs are but this is a pretty good estimation. After tears of pearls they went right into love can move you. It was sooo cool because my friend and I were the only two, from what I could see, who knew any of those songs (B-sides). We listened to the musical beginning of each song and then scream out the title of it. I think Darren might of heard us singing the b-sides because, I kid you not, he looked directly at us and gave us the biggest smile I have ever seen on Darren. We saw his teeth and all. After that was promises with an interlude of sugar pie honey bunch. Then was to the moon and back in which he conclude that song with baby-yay-e-yeah (the end of to the moon and back on Keenan Ivory Wyans)! Then was I Can't Make You Love Me which was beautifully sung by Miss Ana-Maria Laspina and Mr. Darren Hayes. The choreography in that song was absolutely wonderful. Their facial expressions and everything, they looked like they really meant what they were singing to each other. But like I told my friend, it's just like the movies they really don't feel that way towards each other it's just an act!(I hope) After that song was Carry On Dancing followed by Mine! My friend and I went ballistic when we heard Mine because it is not allowed to be released in the USA (religous reasons, go figure) so we figured it wouldn't be performed, but He did perform it. that's my bestest buds fave song! She screamed so loud I think the people in seats heard her! Then came break me shake me( with an interlude of a nirvana song)! I loved his costume for that song it was like a fish net jacket with rubber on it to look like muscles. And he kept posing like a muscle man too! I think this is where Santa Monica comes in, but it might have been after Carry on Dancing. Next was, in my opinion, the best performed song all night, All around me. Darren had on his White patent leather jacket and his black glasses. And omigod, In the words of my mother, (sitting in the seats) "I think darren is a wee bit horny!" He grabbed himself so many times. It was so funny! My friend and I wnjoyed quite a bit. I was about to tell him I would, ya know, kinda give him a hand but then he stopped. It was funny because after he sang an interlude of spice up your life, he said "they made me sing that!" And at the end of the song when nichole and Ana-maria started taking over, darren pretened to get aggrivated and ripped off nichole's wig. Then Ana was laughing at her, so nichole ripped off hers! Darren picked up the wigs and started to whirl them in the air, then he flung them behind him. At the end of the song Nichole kicked him in his butt and he pretended to fall on his duff! In the dark when everyone was on their way back stage to change, Darren was saying "Oh those dirty little Monica Lewinski's" (I think you might have to live in the US to get this. She is the woman claiming to have had sexual relations with the president , which was obviosly true I found out last night! or something like that she is just being a real bad girl. I laughed my ass off when he said that) Then he came out saying the words" Anytime I need to see your face, I just close my eyes and I am taken to a place where your crystal mind and magenta feelings take up shelter in the base of my spine sweet like a chica-cherry cola!" Everyone went wild including ME! Then you heard the music start and there went Darren, singing his little heart out. During parts when he didn't sing, he was pretending to get it on in front of the drums. Most people could tell this by his little groans, which weren't so little at the end of that interesting part. Then he would grab is butt and ask "Do you want some of this baby?" My best friend and I responded to that with " OH, BEHAVE!" It's from Austin powers and if you go to the sony site ( you know that he likes that movie. I also think he heard us answer him because he returned with a "Yeah Baby!" Maybe it was just part of the show, but if it was that was way too freaky! He had us help with the last verse of the song, we got to scream sweet like a chica- cherry cola! It was so much fun! Then came his performance with the chair which really seductive, provacitive, and cute all at the same time. This was during the song I'll bet he was cool. He said thank you and they left the stage. I would say about a tenth of the crowd left. My friend was screaming "They're not done where are you going he is not finished", then she realised it mihgt be a good thing so she told them to "leave yeah go get out of here, show's over" She was really wack-o. He came out sing One of us, followed by my fave song this side of me he changed into a blue long sleeve shirt and blue pants. And he sang truly madly deeply, and did any of you other fans notice this but did he signal for someone to come out on stage with him and the person didn't so he went into this little tent and then all you heard were the girls singing. Then he came back out. (If you did give me an e-mail, my friend said he didn't and I say he did. I am trying to figure out if It was just my imagingation. So give me an e-mail, here's my e-mail address ( When he was supposed to sing Velvet sky, he replaced it with, "give me an Illinois Sky". He had the crowd sing the last chorus in which he told us " Oh you're beautiful" The show ended, but the funny thing was no one left so he sang "Closing time, you don't have to go home but you can't stay here!" Then everyone started to leave! Well that was my savage garden concert hope enjoyed reading it. P.S. I just found out today, because I looked at the updated pics on the sony site, that I was standing 3 feet away from the savage garden tour bus. Ok, my friend and I were crossing the street and this big red bus was starting to turn. I looked in the window and I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Jenny there's a band in there!" There was Billie myres band up front, so we chased the bus in a complete cirlce. then it stopped, So we thought lets go knock on the door, but then my friend was like no I don't see any band members from Savage Garden, so we just went to the stadium. Well, At the sony site there was a picture of the big red tour bus! I was so mad when I saw that picture, but I figured that we must not have been destined to meet them at this specific concert! Now I am done. Hope you enjoyed reading my concert review.

~Peace, Mindy --

I was lucky enough to be able to see Savage Garden in concert in Hamburg, NY on August 21. I even got to meet Darren! It started a few weeks before when I got 2 tix in row 30. But we needed another ticket so we exchanged the ones we had 4 three tix in the fourteenth row, dead center! It was great! Before the show when me, my mom, and my best friend were waiting in line to get in DARREN came in and walked by inches away from us! I couldn't breathe or speek so I just started trembling! I felt dumb for not getting his autograph so my mom followed him, but lost him. Then I spotted Karl so my mom followed him up to a 21+ club where the band was eating dinner. When Darren came out my mom got his autograph. He asked if it was for her and she said no, it was for her daughter. Then she walked down the stairs with him and his wife (who had fairly long, blond hair) My mom asked how Darren's dog, Obi, was. Darren said he was just the sweetest thing. I was waiting at the bottom and my friend said "Mr. Hayes can I have your autograph" and he said "Oh you don't have to call me Mr. Hayes, that's so cute." Then he said Hi to me and I got to shake his hand!!!!!!!! I even got to keep the pencil that he used!!! Then came the concert that complely kicked!!!! I was more focused on Darren because Daniel wasn't really doing or saying very much. In the beginning Daz asked us how we were and said he hoped no flies would fly into his mouth due to the spot lights. Then he started to sing TMD and he pretended to hack on a fly. They started with TOP, Love Can Move You,and I forget the order, but here are the songs that they played: TTM&B, Mine, This Side of Me, All Around Me (which waz da bomb! Daz grabbed his certain bits about 5 times and pulled his jacket between his legs. they also did part of spice up your life and when they were done Darren said "The dancers made me do this." And he pushed them over at the end because they kept walking in front of him, even though he kept saying that it was his show.) They also did:1 of Us by Joan Osborne, I Can't make you love me by Bonnie Rait, BMSM, I Want U, I'll Bet He Was Cool and they ended with Truly Madly Deeply. They preformed very well. My only complant was they didn't play 1000 Words, Universe, Fire Inside the Man *sob*. All around it was the best concert! It was soooooo great! Anyone who hasn't *or has* should definitely go and see them preform.


I went to both of the Sydney concerts on February 7th and March 1st. February 7th will be a day I WILL ALWAYS remember.That day I got to meet Daniel and Darren at their soundcheck-thanks to their Roadshow website. I had entered so many competitions I was starting to get deperate. I had tickets to the concerts but more than anything I really wanted to meet them! I arrived at the Sydney Entertainment Centre at 6pm, all though we were to attend the soundcheck at around 6:30pm. Even though it was only 6pm the concert didn't start till 9pm and there were already heaps of people there. I bought a t-shirt (has the photo of Daniel and Darren on the Village/roadshow website when you first log on).When I was in the foyer buying the t-shirt, I saw Karl and Ben (the guitarist and drummer). 6:30 came and all the people who were to attend the soundcheck had their names marked off and passes checked.When they opened the doors everyone started running in.Camera flashes clicking people screaming. I sat front row to the left- in Front of Daniel :-).What a time for my cmaera to stuff up.I could not take any photos during the entire soundcheck thanks to my camera. Savage Garden were in the middle of playing "Break Me Shake Me" before playing parts of "Love Can move you", "Promises", "Push" by Matchbox 20 and "All Around me".During "All around me" a girl started dancing, Darren pointed to her and said "look there's the Dancing queen". We were then told to line in the centre isle.While we were waiting for our turn to meet Daniel and Darren,their tour manager told us we were not to jump on them.If we wanted a hug, we could ask them. They were halfway through the line when we all had to move to a different room because they were going to let people in.In the room there were phots and autographs of people who had performed at the entertainment centre.When it was finally my turn I had a picture taken with Daniel and Darren (my camera actually worked!!) and got my t-shirt and Cd cover signed.Then we went back outside to where all the other people wer waiting to be seated. At 8pm it when dark and four people took to the stage.It was Fourplay, the support band.I personally didn't enjoy it, but was on too much of a high after just meeting Daniel and Darren.There was a half hour interval form Four play before Savage Garden took to the stage.The audience screamed so loud.They played all the songs on their Album and B-sides except form "Memories are Designed to Fade".During "This Side of Me" Darren pulled a girl from the crowd. This is more a sound check review than concert review. I don't really remember much of the concert, was on a high, and I spent much of the 2nd concert screaming everytime Daniel saw my "HI DANIEL" sign/banner.

~Cheryl Lee

Here is a review from the "To the Moon and Back tour" that started in Cairns in Feb. 1998

Ok, the concert was pretty good. I can't remember who started it off, I think some local band did. Anyway, they did Tears of Pearls, and I want You and it was really good. (we all know that it would be)

Then about halfway through, all the lights went off. (A total blackout) Darren and Daniel stormed back stage and according to a friend (whom I didn't know then) who had backstage tickets, Darren was shouting the f-word at the top of his lungs (?!) We ended up leaving, and my friend didn't get to see Darren or Daz, because they were so pissed.

She went to the concert held in Cairns the next night (they did two here but I didn't go to the second) and she still didn't get to meet them, but they felt bad about it so they signed a whole pile of posters and her CD and tee-shirt (which are all proudly displayed in her room)


Ok, they came here on Friday April 28 to kickstart their tour here once again. Vanessa Amorossi was the first act of the evening, and boy was she good! We had really good seats high up on an angle, and we (if we leaned slightly) could see backstage! Vanessa looked really good.

Anyway, I almost got kicked out when Savage Garden came onstage, because I wanted to throw a two litre bottle of coke onstage. I had it confiscated by the security giuard, but luckily by then I'd drank most of it.

It went all dark, and the curtain lifted, and we saw two figures standing in front of a massive sign that said "SG" darren was sorta doing a Bond 007 pose, and Daniel was holding onto his guitar. They were back to back. Then they came out and did this song (we didn't know what it was called)

I was on this massive sugar rush and I was screaming stacks of crap out like "Darren, you married the wrong person!"

Anyway, I'm yelling and Darren did this really sad number when they dragged out a piano and sang Imagine by John Lennon. Some people threw roses on stage, and Darren kept picking them up and placing them on the piano in front of Daniel.

The grossest part of the concert was when darren, who was performing "I want you" my fave and wearing tight leather pants went up to the drums set( which was surrounded by glass) and did something I am not even going to go into.

Overall, it was a good concert. It went for nearly two hours, and they did most of my faves, and ended up finishing with the "remix" of I knew I loved you and finally, Affirmation was the last song. The last one was best, because it would be all dark, and then bright, then dark and bright. It was so cool.


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