Darren Hayes
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Darren Hayes

The lead singer of Savage Garden was born on May 8th 1972 in Logan City, Brisbane, Australia, to June and Robert Hayes. He has black hair and blue eyes. While growing up he went to Mable Park Infants and Mable Park High school. He loves the movies Star Wars and Blade Runner, and is on a strict vegatarian diet, he doesn't drink. He drives a "white hatch back thingy" but plans on gettting a jeep. His Fave bands/singers are U2 and Sarah McLachlan. His hobbies are Shoppings, watching movies and surfing the net. He has one older brother (Peter John) and one older sister (Tracey Anne). His fave songs on the album? "Carry on Dancing and "Santa Monica". Darren says the most fun he's ever had with his clothes on was playing "twister"!!! Darren has a litte dog named Obi, he's light brown and a cocker spaniel. Darren loves New York City. Also he wears Dolce and Gabbana cologne.

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Email: cassandra_savage@hotmail.com