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background music theme from the movie BRAVEHEART



Barbwire says, "Bandit is always been bandit MY HERO"
Barbwire says, "Bandit has watched my back and saved my skin on more than one occasion"
Fippleplug bows, nice to meet you Bandit
Barbwire kneels before Bandit.
Bandit says, "hello Fippleplug"
Barbwire whispers my hero
Barbwire says, "Remember when you saved me when that guest
stabbed me in the back and you Bright* killed him before he took my head"
Bandit says, "oh, yeah!! that was fun!"
Barbwire says, "that was when they allowed guests all the time"
Fippleplug gives an Emerald and Ruby Chalice to Bandit and Barbwire...

Barbwire kneels before Fippleplug.
Barbwire says, "I am surely not worthy"
Fippleplug fills them with Mead, Most Sacred of the drinks
Barbwire . o O ( ((( but I am sure I like the sound of Sir Bandit ))))
Fippleplug says, "shh Barb-it's a done deal"
Bandit says, "Wait a second.... Is not the king suppose to do the knighting?
Fip says, "LOL", I'm as good as Any King"
Barbwire says " it is if she's from the bloodline."
Fippleplug says, "and......I Am Mistress of Mead."
Bandit says, "oh, ok"
Fippleplug says, "close enough I say"
Barbwire moves her attention back to ceremony at hand
Fippleplug intones in a ritualistic voice.....

Fippleplug recites, "For deeds done and rescue given"
Bandit smiles at Brightstar.
Barbwire says, "Brightstar meet Sir Bandit, thusly to be knighted this day by Fippleplug"
Fippleplug says," yes"
Brightstar says, "Pleased to meet you Sir Bandit!"
Barbwire says, "oop the ceremony was not over"
Brightstar gives Bandit a big hug.
Fippleplug grins, not yet...but soon,,
Fippleplug looks to the night sky
Barbwire wonders does she still have to be kneeling?
Brightstar steps back to watch the rest of the ceremony
Fippleplug says, "silly! of course not, here let me help you up"
Fippleplug says, "Bright? would you help in the ceremony?"
Brightstar says, "Sure, Fip! What do you need?"
Fippleplug hands Bright one of those "diaphinous gown" type things "here put this on"
Brightstar says, "Over my clothes?"
Fippleplug, "*shrugs* sorry, it's that traditional thing"
Brightstar puts the gown on Fip says, "well thats a very "retro" look *g*"
Brightstar says, "Thanks!! I kind of like it myself!!! :)"
Fippleplug carefully hands Bright the Mead Pot
Fippleplug says, "is Bandit back?"
Bandit says, "I'm back"
Fippleplug says, "k"
Brightstar takes the Mead Pot
Fippleplug says, "did I give you 2 the chalices yet?"
Barbwire watches with misty eyes from the side, happy to see Bandit rewarded for his bravery
Barbwire says, "Yes I have the emerald and the ruby right here"

Barbwire glides forward to hand them to BrightStar
Brightstar juggles Mead Pot and two chalices
Fippleplug says, "Bandit, for the acts of bravery you have bestowed upon the innocent *w* (at Barb)"
Barbwire says, "I'll take the mead pot if it helps"
Fippleplug says, "no Barb-you 2 take the Chalices"
Barbwire protests I WAS Innocent
Fippleplug says, "sorry Bright"
Brightstar says, "No problem!"
Fippleplug says, "LOL yes dear we know"
Brightstar hands chalices to Barb
Barbwire takes back the chalices from her sister
Barbwire eyes them in awe, beautiful gems 
Fippleplug says, "I ask but one thing..will you answer as your heart says?"
Barbwire quiets down and pays attention to the pagentry
Fippleplug tells Barbwire, "LOL I am Mistress of Ceremonies too!"
Fippleplug says, "this is the part where you say "yes" Bandit"
Barbwire tells Fippleplug, LOL "you are everything to everyone my seer.
Fippleplug says, "Will you seek the Truth, or will you go over to the dark side?"
Fippleplug tips her hat in DeathStar's honor
Bandit says, "I will seek the "Force"..... I mean, seek the truth!"
Fippleplug shouts, "THE TRUTH"
Fippleplug says, "So said, So done. Rise SIR Bandit-and drink of the Truth"
Fippleplug tells Brightstar, "offer the Mead Pot to fill their chalices"

Barbwire offers the emerald chalice to Bandit 
Brightstar offers the Mead Pot to Bandit and Barb,
Brightstar fills their chalices full
Bandit accepts the chalice
Fippleplug says, "I place upon you a guise Sir Bandit"
Barbwire drinks from the ruby chalice, in honor of Sir Bandit
Fippleplug recites, "When Barbwire needs of you, she has
but to whisper your name to the Wind"
Fippleplug says, "and you Barbwire...." Barbwire says, "Yes?"
Fippleplug raises her hands above her head
Barbwire says, "Anything"
Fippleplug says, "in times of need give to Sir Bandit of your strength-
YOU are his power"
Barbwire I offer all that I am, Bone, Blood, Muscle and the heart that pumps it
Fippleplug hands the Sword of Truth to Sir Bandit it shines in the Moon light
Fippleplug says, "...etched in Gold down the Blood Groove: TRUTH ALWAYS"
Barbwire stares at the sword of truth, it twinkles with the light of the stars
Fippleplug disappears, then reappears
Brightstar says, "Fip! Are you ok?" Fip says, "sorry,"
Brightstar offers Fip the boot pillow
Barbwire says, "Fip what for Brightstar she was just as brave in the fight!"
Fippleplug says, "I got so emotional I fell off the chair!"
Fippleplug says, "did I give her her charge yet?"
Barbwire rushes over to Fip to insure she is unharmed
Brightstar says, "Oh, no!!"
Fippleplug says, "Hi B"
Bandit helps Fip back in chair
Fippleplug blushes and dusts herself off, yes-happens all the time
Barbwire admires Sir Bandit, always the gentlemen
Fippleplug says, "Thank You Bandit"
Brightstar says, "Yes, you charged me to bear witness to all such ceremonies"
Barbwire is adamant but that is not enough to acknowledge her bravery in the face of certain danger
Fippleplug sgrees with Barbwire.
Fippleplug says, "I give into your care BrightStar a pendant of diamonds and saphires...and I place in your care the law of the realm, make the decisions you deem fit to run this Kingdom well

Fippleplug says, "to Bright-as she is to be our Guide"
Brightstar says, "OH!!! Thank you Fip!! I will take great care of it!!"
Barbwire cheers, thinks her sister will be great guide
Fippleplug says, "Bright-your pendant will help you to see all sides of an argument, guide wisely and in Truth"
Fippleplug says, "COOL!! LETS PARTY!"
Brightstar hands the mead around
Barbwire slurps up the last of the mead from her ruby chalice....Please Sir may I have some more?
Fippleplug says, "and I need to enter this in the "chronicles"
Bandit says, "sure"
Fippleplug says, "Bandit-you start the round of toasting (please)"
Fippleplug says, "LOL"
Fippleplug says, "i'm really! goofy tonight pardon my waxing fantastic"
Fippleplug says, " Bandit, that was a nice thing you did for Barb, thanx"
Brightstar excuses herself, started kissing Bandit and forgot to stop...
Fippleplug, "LOL"
Fippleplug says, "well, a certain amount of celebrating is to be expected"
Fippleplug throws confetti and fortune cookies up in the air
Bandit . o O ( now we made a mess )
Fippleplug loves party messes
Fippleplug hugs Bandit, oh THANK you! I love ceremonies
Fippleplug says, "the chronicles should have a record"
Bandit thanks Fippleplug, Barbwire, and (or course) Brightstar,
Fippleplug says, "goodbye Sir BAndit!
Fippleplug pours another Mead
Bandit says, "good night all"
Barbwire kneels before Sir Bandit, Goodnite kind sir
Fippleplug says, "Good Knight kind Sir"
Fippleplug bows to her Knight
Fippleplug says, "well! that went rather well eh?"
Brightstar goes to a quiet corner to absorb the warm glow left to her by Bandit
Fippleplug says, "it wasn't TOO much eh?- ROTFLOL!"
Barbwire says, "Very well Fip, three cheers for your way with words"
Fippleplug says, "you deserve it Barb, you've put up with a lot of stuff
Fippleplug LOVES Ceremony Details!
Barbwire hugs BrightStar even tighter (so tight she burps)
Brightstar hugs Fip tight, thanking her for letting her take part in the beautiful ceremony!
Fippleplug giggles , "LOL Barb!"
Barbwire says, "I am very thankful for the very nice friends I have met here"
Fippleplug throws Barb some tiddly winks-ain't they cute?

                ...And the legend of the Ruby Chalice of Truth was born...

DeathStar's Armory., E.C.M., PRCT, L.C.G.F., M4HA.