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Jason D’Franco - Beginnings -

Jason D'Franco - Beginnings -

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I shouldn’t be out tonight. I should be hiding...but I’m not. They don’t call me the world’s greatest thief for nothing...but there I go, getting cocky again. Damn...I’m gonna get myself killed...again. Wouldn’t you know it...I’ve seen this city before. The last time I was here though, it was different. Things were much different then...I was mortal. Alive. Funny, but I don’t miss it much....the emotion, the threat of danger everyday....worrying about sickness and hunger and death....

Funny....even when you’re dead you still have to worry about sicknesses and hunger and death...but in a different context. But I can’t talk about it now...let me find a better spot.

Jason walks down the street like he owns the place...even now, the master thief is as brash as when he was alive. Dressed in black, the youth darts subconsciously from shadow to shadow, like a ghost...the epitome of stealth. His trenchcoat fluttering behind him is the only sound which disturbs the night. Eveything else is at a peaceful rest. But there is a reason for Jason’s cockiness...for there aren’t many things which can hurt him now...not much left that would scare someone like him...he is unique in and of himself...

Alright...sit yerself down ‘n I’ll tell ya all ya need ta know...

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