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Jason D'Franco -(the Embrace Part 2)-

Jason D'Franco - Beginnings - (the Embrace Part 2)

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There was someone else that night though....someone who knew about me, and my needs. My power and influence in the city. It was one of Big John’s people...Randall. Creepy bastard, he never said much. He never really needed to..his actions spoke louder than anything. He was following me that night. Before I died, I saw him...watching me.


The last images I remember were those of Randall, standing over me....his words like some foreign language...elegant and smooth, calming. The pain of the bullets were nothing compared to what came next...

Randall held the young man close to him....close to death's door. Clouded in the shadows of the darkness, he brought his lips towards Jason's neck...his teeth like fangs of a wolf bearing the force of an unrelenting thirst...thrusting them down into Jason's flesh. The blood that wasn't already flowing from Jason's open wounds were now flowing into Randall's body..revitalizing him...and, with a slit of his wrist, Randall brought his potent blood to Jason's mouth...letting him feast on the powerful life's blood which is Randall's inheritance...but is also his curse...and so he passes it down his line...

Awake a new creature. A creature of the night. Feast on the blood of those who destroyed your former life. Reclaim the powerful throne that you were destine to claim. Destroy this farce...this joke, and become one of us. Let your anger guide you. The Beast Within you is now not just a seperate being, but is inside you. YOU are the beast...welcome him. Trust him. And fear him. No one else knows who or what you are, besides our select few. Keep it that way....Keep the Masquerade...and remember what I have taught you. If you need my help...whisper my name and I shall be there. You are now body and spirit. I shall not be far.

And with that, he was gone.

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